chapter ???

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I am posting this one early I have to travel somewhere so happy early new years and so here is the chapter.


I jump up covered in sweat from head to toe..and tears in my eyes. I look up and move around the bed I was currently on, and know-how I am clumsy as ever I fall off the bed making a bang. This place seems almost soundproof. I bring my hand up to my throbbing head ac, but it didn't last long. I felt a soft fluffy blanket...I look down tors my feet and pick it up with me now standing on the cold wooden floor.

I look around seeing the room with a bookshelf that had few books and a wall with a soft calming gray, that looked brighter because of the light coming through the shimmering window of light colors swaying softly. It may seem selfish to you but I love this blanket and I wish to keep it close at all times at most. I look at the deli-kit blanket at hand I look at the softness of the fabric and the black and white. On one side it was a peer black and on the other side, it was a clear white.

I hold the blanket firmly raping the heavenly blanket around me. I smile at the warmness it brings to my body..that was once cold, but wait where is my shirt!!! A look everywhere around the room tripping a few times by the blanket, after finishing looking my smile was gone. I couldn't find it or my jacket. I look down finely noticing that I am wearing black/white pants. My face turns to a cherry red but slowly fades as I put back on the mask. (not a real one)

I have decided to find the owner of this house and ask to keep this blanket. As I walk out of the room I smell burnt pancakes...Pancakes!!!! I walk to the end of the hall see Kahashi burning pancakes. I walk up to him and take the pain away from him, "Kakashi go I got this, okay." I fixed the ones that were done and burned but not hard. As I was cooking I smiled but it was covered by a mask that suddenly appeared it was black-white also (f/c) at the edges. I had an autograph memory I could remember any noise or thing I can memorize it. It helped a lot back then when I was with them well anyway. As I'm now finished cooking all the pancakes 38 pancakes...I look around the cabinets and found the one with plates but couldn't reach it I was too short. oh, I forgot I was a kid.....well....that was probably a wired thing for a kid to take overcooking.

I was struggling to even the first row of shelves, as I was struggling to grab a plate I felt a something pressed against my back. I blushed under the mask I look up to see Kakashi gabbing two plates. "why do you have two plates?" I ask he stopped and looked at me "I thought we were going to eat, guess not." he says. I look at him and nod my head in understanding as I walk over to the table and sat down. I turned myself away from the table with two pancakes on my plate and start eating my pancakes with sparkles in my eyes, maybe even my aura. I looked back at Kakashi...he was already done. I almost dropped my plate but luckily cot my plate from previous years. I have his plate along with side mine and cleaned them in the sink. Once done I look at Kakashi and said: "Can I Have my shirt back?" He laughed and garbed a shirt from a different room and said "use this your shirts dirty afterward were going to go buy you some clothing." I look at the shirt it was too big I sigh and went into the room I was in before and but on the shirt...I look at the blanket I was holding...I don't want to leave your warmth...but I can't bring you with me you would get dirty.

I finally decide to leave the blanket and told Kakashi I was ready to go. We left and he let me lead the way he said we were going to get clothing then weapons, and lastly we were going to a book store he said I could get five books from there.


Hello I hope you have a good holiday or new years if you have any advice on anything then tell me and I would try my best to fix it and please if you want to ask questions.

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