In the hidden trees

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I tried to draw (y/n) hope you enjoy reading......(LONG award silence )back to the story....this chapter is kind of wired but enjoy

- _ (y/n) Pov_-

The Hokage gives a small sigh after a (very very award silence)

(you can come in now gravity-defying person with the cool hair)

They both look over to the silver defying man and sigh at the same time *sigh*

(now I'm acting as lazy as Pineapple boy but I think...I don't know who's worse me or him...this is hard.........very .....hard......Ahhhhh now my head hurts...I I know I'm worse)

"Okay I'm ("gravity haired") and for now you will be living in my house (a.k.a Porn Libary) and will be staying in a guest room." says (gravity haired Man)

"don't you mean porn library because how many books you have..."

------5 SECONDS LATER------

"Ahhh help"

( Might.....dies from being crushed by gravity haired man )

" the world may never know how might dies, but all they know is that after his death (gravity haired man) would not let anyone touch his books..." says SpongeBob "hah hah hah"


sorry, this is short my house was"gassed" so I'm having to stay somewhere... this is not part of the story but if you want it can be this is just something I did..maybe not the last part... I'm starting on the next chapter so it will hopefully come out soon

Naruto x Male Oc... I'm different than themDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora