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Chapter 15: Mardy
Moody or miserable.

😇Emi's P.O.V

"Do you have plenty of sleep wear? Underwear? Did you bring that boo—" I pulled Maeko in for a hug, cutting her off.

"I'll be fine Maeko." I murmured, smiling."I triple checked everything earlier." I told her, her arms wrapping tightly around me.

"Be careful okay?" She replied, placing a soft kiss on my cheek.

A few guards were outside with us, the black sleek van was being loaded up by our luggage. Maeko let go of me before turning to Luka and hugging him tightly.

We were off to Norway, apparently the place where most coven were located and it is where the Lord of Vampires resided in.


It is where I was currently residing. It was only last night that I knew the specific place that I was staying in and imagine my surprise.

Apparently, it was Luka and Sin who found me that very night in America. They were supposed to capture Zid but instead got there late.

He was already dead where as I was still breathing. They managed to bring me back using the traveling potion that Maeko created.

I should've known where I was the moment I heard Sin's last name but nope, I had no idea of the places that was scattered around the world.

And I was excited of the world that I was yet to see. I've never been to other places other than in America.

Culture is something that I've always been fascinated with. We were all born the same way and yet we value different things.

Meeting the Lord of Vampires was something I look forward. Thor stated that he wants to personally meet me and talk.

Despite being scared, I chose to agree. I wanted to prove my honesty, I wanted to prove that I was innocent and that was enough to overpower my fear.

Sin was outrage, he didn't want me anywhere the vampire realm especially that I killed one of their kind.

Flashes of long nails and canines entered my mind, Sin almost shifted if it weren't for Maeko urging me to comfort him.

My cheeks were red the whole afternoon since Sin didn't let go of me and had his arms wrapped around me, his head buried in my neck.

The others wasn't even bothered by it and continued talking, sharing ideas and possibilities of where Cyprus is hiding.

I didn't know why I had to do it but it made him calm and being able to help him is something that made me happy.

The experience was thrilling and scary at the same time, I didn't understand why but there was a part of me that wanted to see the beast within Sin.

"Are you ready?" Sin ask, his gray eyes not portraying anything.

It's been three days since the talk in Thor's office but Sin was still mad at me. He didn't want me going but I believe it was my decision to make and a right one at that.

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