Chapter 30

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As the pair was seated across each other, their noses deep into the menu cards of the fancy restaurant, both of them were silently occupied with their own confusing thoughts.

Charlie took a peak over the card in order to glance at Morpheus. He was not in sight. Just like her, he was taking his time reading every single choice on the menu. She inwardly sighed and read the dessert choices yet another time. But her eyes didn't exactly offer any information for her brain, since her thoughts were elsewhere.

Had Morpheus really reserved a table in this fancy restaurant? Did he maybe do it whilst they were still in the other hotel? Or was this all just part of Hypnos' plan? No way. He couldn't know that they would leave the other hotel and go to the specific one they were in right now. Could he? Aside from that, he promised to stop. Charlie rolled her eyes. As if she could trust him with a promise.

Or maybe it really was Morpheus, who was currently warming up to her? He did ask her to go out with him and seemed confident as he picked this restaurant. He also embraced her on the way here, which even now made Charlie blush.

"Are you ready to order?" Came his deep voice and Charlie gulped before lowering her shield and setting the menu card on the table. Her eyes met his brown ones, that seemed to look so friendly as his lips carried a gentle smile. It was contagious, so Charlie smiled back.
"Yes." A nod of hers was met with another one of his as he looked around for the waiter.

Within a few seconds, a waitress approached, her stride elegant and professional. It was only when the woman halted in front of their table, did Charlie realize how beautiful that woman was. Charlie had never had issues mentally pointing it out when she thought a woman was pretty, but now it was different. Why was that woman looking at Morpheus the way she was? Was it necessary to smile as big as she was? With her pearl white teeth and cute dimples.

"Miss Denver?" Morpheus' concerned voice pulled her out of it. A shake of her head made the waitress glance at Morpheus again, who sensed her eyes on him. But his own ones were focused on the lady in front of him, who by now put on a sweet smile as she looked up at the woman.
"I would like to have a glass of water, please." Charlie ordered and watched her nod.

"And to eat?" The waitress asked.
"Can I please get the honey garlic sauce salmon with the grilled asparagus?" Charlie ordered, feeling Morpheus' eyes on her.
"You sure can! Anything else?" She heard and shook her head as her eyes settled onto Morpheus again. He mirrored her action and waited a minute until the waitress was out of hearing range.

"Is everything alright?" His warm orbs locked with hers.
"Yes, sorry. I just spaced out a little." Her cheeks felt warm as she watched Morpheus frown, but nod anyways.
"It's okay. You do that a lot." He remembered all the previous times he had to call out her name in order to bring her back to reality. He now wondered if it was part of the curse or if Miss Denver was just a naturally thoughtful person.

"Sorry. Sometimes I don't even notice." Another shake of her head made Morpheus offer Charlie a gentle smile.
"It's okay. I guess, at least I'm not the only one who's daydreaming here." Morpheus shrugged as well and watched as Miss Denver chuckled at his pun. A proud smile was threatening to show and he let it slip so long Miss Denver was also still smiling. He made her laugh, he mentally noted. Maybe her humour wasn't so bad after all.

"I have to admit, I never thought we would be sitting at a restaurant together and enjoy each other's company so much." Charlie placed her elbow on the table and set her chin on top of her palm as her eyes gazed at Morpheus with wonder.
"You're enjoying my company?" He made her laugh, but he didn't know for sure if Miss Denver even wanted to be here with him. Of course, at first it was awkward for both, but apparently she didn't mind that much.

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