Chapter 24

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"Finally." Came Charlie's first word since the two had spoken in the toilet cabin of the plane.

There was sort of a comfortable silence between them during the rest of the flight. Now that the plane had landed and the passengers were told that it was safe for them to unbuckle their seatbelts and get ready to leave the plane, both Morpheus and Charlie were really excited to just be on solid ground again. Once Morpheus reached into the bag cupboard to get their bags, he realized how tired he really was.

His head hurt almost as much as his body from sitting on a plane for eleven hours. Even after having talked to Miss Denver, Morpheus could not fall asleep. It was really frustrating and only fed his bad mood.

"Here." Charlie was lucky to see the bag flying towards her after Morpheus only gave her that one-word-warning. If her reaction would've come only a second later, the rather heavy object would've hit her in the face. He wasn't looking at her as he started walking towards the door, following the line of passengers in front of him.

"He hates me." Charlie told herself as she sighed and decided to wait until the rest of the first class passed her. As the last person to pass them, Charlie found it convenient that all the flight attendants were right at the door, telling each and every passenger goodbye. Well, every attendant was there, except for the pretty one that gave her the tea.
"Thank you for flying with us. We hope you have a great stay in beautiful Ailavu." An elder woman smiled at her.

"Thank you. I just have a short question. One of your colleagues gave me this tea. She's not here right now. But I was just wondering what kind it was, it tasted so good and unique." Charlie asked the woman and immediately received a confused frown from her.
"All of my colleagues that had been on the flight are right here, Miss. Besides, we only serve camilla tea. It could not have been anything else." Charlie knew then and there that the woman was trying really hard not to show her judgement on her face. She almost forgot about her embarrassing behaviour a few hours ago.

"Oh, okay. Thank you." With a warm face, Charlie eventually left the staff as she entered the tunnel towards Ailavu's airport. So, the woman who gave her the tea was not a flight attendant? Then how was it possible for whoever that was to just serve her hot tea like that? And where was that person now? Was she crazy? Upon seeing Morpheus waiting for her at the end of the tunnel, Charlie walked faster in order to tell him about her confusion.

"Morpheus." She started.
"I've been waiting here for five minutes. You act like we're here on vacation, Miss Denver. Now hurry up and follow me, we have a schedule to keep." Without even letting her begin to tell him anything, Morpheus turned around and confidently walked into the direction of an escalator. Charlie quickly followed despite disagreeing with his current behaviour. She was hoping that maybe after their talk on the toilet, he might start being a little nicer to her. But one could only dream when it came to Morpheus Oneiroi.

"Keep up, Miss Denver." Morpheus ordered over his shoulder when he noticed that she had been following him with a gradually bigger growing distance.
"You're too fast. Your legs are longer than mine, I cannot keep up, Morpheus." Now, Charlie was getting annoyed with him. Of course they weren't here for vacation, but the rushing right in that moment seemed very much unnecessary.

Morpheus clenched his jaw and halted in his steps, waiting for Miss Denver to reach him whilst critically looking at his wrist watch. Once she was a meter away, Charlie thought she could finally take a breath. But as soon as she slowed down to stand with him, he had turned back around and continued walking towards the exit. With a roll of her eyes, she followed, picking up her pace.

Another 'finally' wanted to pass her lips, once the two of them had reached the main hall, in which the suitcases were already coming out on huge, black conveyor belts. Following Morpheus, Charlie stood near the belt and watched out for their suitcases.

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