Chapter 36

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"This is unbelievable." Phobetor repeated her words in his head, wondering how on earth she could believe all that bullshit Hypnos fed her. And Morpheus. He was now entirely sure Hypnos was too much of a coward to come here himself. But he just didn't get why he would send his son to Silverthorne.

"I suppose nothing he said is right?" Charlie sighed, even more worried about Morpheus now. She should've known that man was two-faced just by the way he shut down their deal. And how he manipulated them the first day Morpheus and her arrived to Silverthorne. He was playing a game, but even Charlie now wondered why.

"You suppose? That Uvalion- That man is not worthy of his title. I will report him and this time mention the use and manipulation of his own son. Maybe the senate will finally do something now." Charlie listened and wondered just how much Hypnos messed up. She realized that man had his own story and up until this very moment, she never cared about it. 

"And what about Morpheus? Can you just let me go and we forget about this? I just want to be with him. We won't report you or anything. It's clear you have no use of us now. Please, just let me go to him and tell him that it really isn't his fault. I will explain everything, including this big misunderstanding." She said, causing Phobetor to look at her again, remembering he wasn't alone. Her words weren't wrong, yet he somehow knew letting her go and forgetting about this was no solution.

"You still fear going to sleep?" He asked and Charlie gulped.
"I don't with Morpheus." Phobetor rolled his eyes.
"Sweet." He drily commented. But Charlie shook her head.
"No, I'm not trying to be romantic, I'm being serious. When he helps me sleep, I always wake up the next day. And when he doesn't help, I sleepwalk to him. There is no way around it." She shook her head. Phobetor's eyebrows rose.

"Helios." Phobetor muttered under his breath and swiftly sat back down.
"Of course. It explains the nightmares. The crying after he supposedly cursed you as a child. And now the sleepwalking. Hypnos must've figured it out. It is his way of trying to deny the inevitable. Of avoiding his punishment." Phobetor's grin was evil and Charlie took a step back again. 

"Figured what out?" Charlie asked. His serpent eyes snapped towards her again.
"That you-"

"Mother is on her way." A voice echoed through the cellar and Charlie flinched. Creepy, she thought, but looked back at Phobetor just in time to see him stand up and turn around. 

It was the atmosphere that immediately changed as soon as Charlie caught a glimpse of the woman. Her knowledge of Greek mythology told her that this woman had to be Nyx. She wasn't entirely sure, since mythology was always confusing and there were many sides to one story. But it looked like the woman wanted nothing more than to show Charlie who she was. The simple glare on her face of disgust as she glanced at Charlie was enough. 

"What are you doing down here?" Phobetor grabbed the woman's wrist.
"I could ask you the same. Why do you entertain this human?" Charlie noticed Phobetor had inherited her green eyes. Like mother, like son, Charlie thought.
"I am trying to get answers." He responded, letting his mother slip out of his grip and watching as she neared the cage.

"And have you gotten any?" The breathtakingly beautiful woman asked her son, her eyes still on Charlie. A gulp escaped her as she realized despite her being a Goddess, she looked like one. She had the curves of perfection and a face that looked like it was sculpted by Michael Angelo himself. Her hair was long and thick, stopping just below her chest. It was as black as Phobetor's and there was no denying these two were related.

"As a matter of fact, I have. Would you like to discuss them in your office?" Phobetor shoved his hands into his pockets now, looking slightly nervous. Why was he nervous? Charlie couldn't have him fear his mother now. She feared him and if her fear feared the woman who was currently looking at her, that would mean she was in danger.

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