Chapter 45

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"That's my daughter!" Charlotte's body flinched in her sleep.

"Ma'am, you cannot-" A moan now escaped her cold lips.

"I can and I will. I have already lost my husband last week and I will not lose-" Her eyes opened.

"Ma'am, I am very sorry for your loss. But your daughter will be fine. She hasn't woken up yet, but the doctor said she should soon. Her case is still under investigation and until my boss is done with their conversation, you cannot see her." Once the words reached Charlie's brain, she moved her head in order to see more than just a very white ceiling above her.

Slowly, the young woman realized that she was in a hospital bed. Upon seeing a familiar face, she tried sitting up. But he stopped her by gently touching her wrist.

"You should take it slow, Miss Denver." Sheriff Peters said in the most calm voice Charlie had ever heard from him. She opened her mouth to speak, but started coughing instead. Her throat was dry and she was grateful her boss handed her the glass of water that stood on the table beside him.

"Thank you." Charlie said after emptying the glass.
"You're welcome. How are you feeling?" He asked, his hands moving back to the notebook in his hand. Charlie noticed it only now. And it was also in that moment that Charlie realized he wasn't visiting her for get well soon wishes. That made a deep sense of panic settle into her chest. What happened?

"I don't know why I'm here." Charlie tried her best to remember, but couldn't. 
"That is totally normal after an accident like-"
"Accident? What happened?" Now the panic was clear in her voice and Sheriff Peters mentally cursed himself for telling her like that. But someone had to rip the bandage off. And if he were in Charlotte's shoes, he would want it to be ripped of rather fast than slowly.

"You have been in a car accident last night. The doctors have given me permission to see you when you wake up. But I do not know anything about your medical condition. I just know that it's always a good sign when doctors let me talk to patients right as they wake up." He explained.

"A car accident? What car accident?" Charlotte now slowly managed to sit up, shaking her head even slower. It hurt to move too fast and the sheriff could see it in her face.
"Witnesses state that you seemed to have lost controll over your vehicle and drove against a nearby tree. You have been unconscious until now." He told her.

"Oh my God. Did I hurt anyone else? Is everything-" Charlie started.
"No, thankfully no one else was harmed. Somehow despite losing control, your vehicle swerved away from traffic. It was close to a miracle." Sheriff Peters interrupted.

Relief settled into Charlie's chest. She didn't know what she would do if she accidentally hurt someone. Thank heavens, that didn't take place. But how come she couldn't remember anything? Ironically, a knock on the door let Charlie momentarily forget about her memory loss. She watched as the doctor came inside with her file in his hand.

"Good evening, my name is Doctor Hall. I'm afraid to interrupt your interrogation, Sheriff Peters, but I need to talk to Miss Denver immediately. The blood tests results just came in." He sounded urgent, yet not worried. Charlie watched as her boss nodded, clearly unsatisfied with the short time he had with her.

"I will stay a little longer and we can continue this later." Without waiting for an answer, the man stood up and walked past the doctor before closing the door behind him.

"Is something wrong with me?" Charlie asked, her face and tone of voice worried.
"No, it is nothing serious. And I am sorry for delivering this news to you in such a manner, but I must ask. Did you know you were pregnant?" He asked, making Charlotte frown.

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