Chapter 3

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The treatment? Right, the treatment. It was as if a bucket full of cold water was dumped over her head and she realized what this all meant. Why he was here and what he wanted. He wasn't kidding when he said he was some sort of Sandman. She had an insane man in her apartment. She should have known he was insane after seeing his jacket.

Charlie looked down at the man, who silently watched her too. He was wearing a black pullover and black jeans. His Doc Martin's boots were black too. Morpheus cleared his throat again, not really sure how he felt under her gaze.

"The treatment, sure. Let me just get ready." She said as she stepped backwards, making him nod slowly. What was there to get ready about? She didn't even know what he was going to do to her. Is she walking towards the bathroom? This woman, he thought. He stood up, realizing what she was about to try.

He was sick of her games and had to use his power again. He sighed as her eyes widened in fear and she turned around, before running off with the house phone that she had snatched on her way to the bathroom. Her plan was to call 123, the emergency number, as soon as she locked herself into the bathroom.

Once she made it and locked the door, she wasted no time doing that. While she waited for the person on the other line to pick up, she realized it was quiet. Too quiet. Why didn't the man try to get into the bathroom or maybe talk her out of calling 123? She was happy he didn't, but it was very suspicious. He was planning something and she had a feeling that this time he wouldn't let her off easily.

But Morpheus had an idea. A final mind trick to make her believe him. He knew that she was probably calling the police, so he waited until he heard the sirens. Charlie didn't come out of the bathroom at all. For ten minutes, the apartment was quiet.

None of them spoke and Charlie was confused and hoped she didn't call them for nothing. She didn't hear him, but kind of knew, he would still be outside when she opened the door. Finally, she heard someone knock on the front door.

"Miss Denver? Are you in there?" She heard an unfamiliar voice shout as she unlocked the door and was about to make a run for it, when she abruptly stopped. Morpheus was already opening up to the police officer. Her mouth fell open.

"Can I help you?" He asked the man who was about to knock again, but lowered his fist as Morpheus opened up. The police officer was confused as to why he was facing a man, instead of a woman. But he opened his mouth to ask if he was okay anyway.

"I'm here! Sir, you have to help me! This man broke into my apartment and now he won't leave anymore." She came out of nowhere. The police officer immediately reacted as he pulled out his gun and pointed it at Morpheus.

Morpheus' face gave away nothing as he watched the young officer act tough. He wanted to see how far this would go, so he didn't do anything. All he did was look at the man, who repeatedly told him to show him his hands. But did Morpheus lift them? No. He kept his fingers laced in one another behind his back.

"What will happen if I don't? Are you going to shoot me?" Morpheus decided to tease him, his facial expression gave nothing away though. His gaze was stonehard. He had never been in front of a pointed gun, this was exciting him.

Charlie shifted her gaze from Morpheus towards the police officer and then back towards Morpheus. She couldn't believe what was happening. Did he want to die?
"If I have to, I will." The officer nodded at his question.

Morpheus rolled his eyes in disappointment. He didn't think this was going to be boring.
"You want to be one of them? Really?" He turned towards Charlie with a frown. Charlie opened her mouth in astonishment. How did he know that?

"Hand over your gun." Morpheus said, turning back towards the officer.
"Excuse me?" He laughed at that. Who was this guy?- the young officer thought. But then, he felt it. The same feeling Charlie had when she was under Morpheus' control. His skin felt tingly and his guts felt like they were balloons filled with air.

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