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I got my laptop back, it was something to do with the connection on my laptop idk, but I'm back and I also have a story to tell you and I'm not waiting until the end of the chapter because im super happy!! Last week in school my crush took me on a walk and then he was like "There's literally no other way I can ask you this." and then he like asked me out and we just hugged for ages and he smelled really good and then he kissed me and I couldn't stop smiling and awww! Sorry I'm just really happy:))))) Anyway, enjoy!

song; mad

artist; ne-yo

"all that that means is nether of us are listening, and whats even worse is we don't even remember why we're fighting.."

suits // sixteen

- Niall - 

Was I stupid? Did I have stupid tattooed across my forehead? I knew exactly why Poppy was here right now and that wasn't because Andrew wanted to see me. I asked Jenna to leave because I didn't want to introduce her to Andrew yet, and now that she's gone I realize I had made a massive mistake, instead of being cuddled in bed with me she was walking in the snow with a suitcase behind her. 

"Now, I think that's my queue to leave, drop Andrew off at my mom's on Friday, I'll be in Milan until then. Tell Andrew I said bye." She shot me a evil smile, walking towards the door, the only sound was her damn Louboutins clicking on the floor and the faint ring of the teenage mutant ninja turtles theme song from the upstairs tv, which I guessed Andrew had turned on. 

"Poppy." I shouted, slamming my fist on the arm of the sofa. It made no noise and did little to relieve my anger. She stood still, her back facing me and no doubt a smirk plastered across her stupid little face. "What the fvck?" I shouted, hoping to god that the little man had the TV up loud enough, I hated him hearing us fight. 

"Niall, I have a private jet leaving in an hour and I have nobody to look after Andrew. You said you wanted to be a good dad, prove to him that you are." This just made things worse. I was a good dad, I may not have been in the past but I was now and that's all that matters, right? "I know we aren't on good terms anymore but at least pretend for Andrew." She didn't say anything else, instead walked out and left me. 

"Fvck!" I shouted, smacking the multiple photo frames and ornaments that had carefully been placed on the dresser, causing them to come crashing to the ground in a pile of broken ceramic and cracked memories. I picked up a certain photo frame, one of my father my mother and I when I was around the age of 7, I was wearing a sonic the hedgehog shirt that seemed at least 3 sizes too big, due to the fact I spilled ice cream all down my other shirt and the only thing remotely close to my size was this. My family looked happy, and It was a time that I didn't hate my mother and a time that my role model was still alive, and he tucked me into bed at night before kissing my head. This photo reminded me what a good father was. He was the glue that kept my family together, even through all the arguments and disagreements. 

I quickly cleaned up the mess I made, making sure to discard of all the broken glass, I'd hate for Andrew to stand on it. I switched the TV on, watching some lame reality show about people falling in love with people over the internet. I thought it was crazy. I yawned, raking a hand through my hair and making y way upstairs, peeking into the master bedroom to see Andrew sprawled across my bed, his eyes shut and his lips slightly parted. Due to the fact he was lying on top of the covers, I took the blanket from the chair and tucked him in. I decided that since he was asleep, I'd try phone Jenna and clear things up. I'd hate to end whatever the hell we had just because of Poppy.

The phone rung for ages with no answer, and just as I hung up the door bell went. I opened the door to see the exact person I was just calling. "Jenna.." Was all I could manage to say. I didn't expect her to come back.

"Niall.." She giggled, and it took me around 0.1 seconds to figure out she was pissed. 

"C-come in." She stumbled into the door and sat down in front of the couch. It had to be around 1am now. I wondered how she got here. "Jenna, I think we should talk but you're drunk and I don't know h-"

"I'm not dru-" Hiccup, "unk. I had one." She patted the ground next to her so I sat down. 

"Yeah, one bottle. Jenna I'm sorry." She just giggled, and I must've hurt her pretty bad if she turned to getting drunk, by herself it seemed.

"It's okay Neil. I forgive you." She burst out laughing. "Now kiss me." She leaned in but I stopped. I couldn't do this, not when she was pissed. It was silent for a bit, the only sound was her clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth, an annoying habit of hers. 

"Neil." She whispered, but this time it wasn't a playful whisper, she sounded serious. "Neil I like Niall a lot." She smiled an innocent smile at me. 

"Jenna you're drunk." I bit my lip, hoping to god that she was just drunk and she wouldn't remember any of this tomorrow. 

"I'm drunk and I like him a lot but tomorrow i'll be sober and i'll still like him a lot. I'll pretend I don't but I do.. Oh god I do.. But shhh, don't tell him." She whispered, her eyes fluttering shut, her finger pressed against my lips. She was fighting against the sleep that was trying to consume her. I knew she was still angry at me, but it was proving a lot harder than I thought at resisting her. She would be even more angry if she woke up in a bed with me, though. I placed my arms underneath her back and knees, lifting her off the ground, I took her to the spare bedroom, tucking her in and pressing a kiss to her forehead. 

"Night Jen"


I'm really sorry it's so short, I went back to gymnastics last night after quitting for 5 years, and let me just say i am in AGONY. My neck hurts my ribs hurt my back hurts. EVERYTHING HURTS. But it's amazing how familiar it all feels, I did it for 6 years and I really regret quitting now.. I just do a class that you kind of do what you want and muck about because I've done my competing and I don't really want to get back into that, it's kinda stressful. But yeah, it was good and sorry for rambling on about nothing but I hope you liked it and I'l update again soon, sorry for keeping you so long!!

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