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Before I start i'd just like to say I made a new twitter so go follow me on that! 'twerkwithzixll' please and thank you.. enjoy!

song; once in a lifetime

artist; one direction

"somehow it feels like nothing has changed, right now my heart is beating the same.."

suits // nine

- Jenna -

I stood outside the college, arms wrapped around my body to keep the heat in, everyone had either been picked up or got a ride home apart from me. I text Niall 'Where are you?' but got no reply. I even tried phoning him, but yet again received no answer. He could be stuck in traffic? I had been waiting an hour when a black car parked in front of me. The window rolled down to reveal Harry. "Harry?"

"I was passing when I saw you standing out here. Are you waiting for someone? Do you want a ride home?" His sunglasses were still over his eyes and head covered by a fedora. I bit my lip.

I didn't know whether to wait and see if Niall would actually turn up or just get a ride from Harry. "At least sit in my car and wait for a bit and if they don't turn up I can take you back to your place." I smiled, opening the car door and sitting in the passengers seat.

"Thank you." He returned the smile and took off his glasses, his eyes were a lovely shade of green. 20 minutes of discussing about books we've read and places we'd like to go, I decided to just get Harry to take me back home, it looked like Niall wouldn't have turned up either way.

He pulled up in front of the apartment complex. "I'm not like hitting on you or anything, you just seem like a really nice girl and I'd like to get to know you. Here's my number. Maybe we could discuss books again another time but next time over a coffee?" I smiled, but it was a fake smile. I was still angry at Niall. "Perhaps not." He chuckled.

"No no no. I'd um love to. I'll text you next time I'm free yeah?" He smiled and nodded, leaning across and opening the car door for me.

"It was nice meeting you today, Jenna."

"Likewise, thanks for the ride." I got out of the car and made my way back up to my apartment, I was hoping Harley would be in, but instead I opened the door to a dark and empty room.

I turned the TV to Jimmy Kimmel live, which I wasn't at all interested in right now, but it was better than a silent apartment. I changed into a large t shirt and lay on the sofa, and after 20 minutes I fell asleep.


The next morning I woke up with an extremely sore neck and back due to the awkward position I was sleeping on the sofa, and I was in dire need of an extra large coffee. Or a glass of wine.

I pulled on a pair of black jeans, my black cut out ankle boots, a white cropped blouse and my black coat. Pushing my glasses onto the bridge of my nose, I grabbed my bag and left to go to work. I checked my phone, only to still have no texts or missed calls from Niall. He either has a really bad memory or he just didn't know how to tell me he didn't want me to come. I decided to walk to work that morning, and on the way picked up Jamie and I a caramel mocha. I walked into the firm and was greeted by Jamie already sitting at the desk, typing away frantically on the keyboard. "I come bearing gifts." I grinned, placing the hot cup beside her.

"Thank you so much. I've been here since 7 trying desperately to finish this file for Katherine." She rolled her eyes and scrunched up her nose, taking a gulp of the warm liquid. "How was your night with Niall?" She grinned, licking her lips.

"You really want to know?" She nodded frantically, "Nonexistent." Her face dropped as she huffed.

"What did he do now?"

"Left me at college. This Harry guy I met had to drive me home. I was so embarrassed." I sank my head in my hands.

After getting a little advice from Jamie, helping her with the file and answering a few phone calls, Jamie kicked my leg, clearing her throat as she looked up from her computer screen. I followed suit, my eyes immediately drawn to a tall, blonde haired guy with an extremely expensive suit and a tablet in his hand. He was talking to Katherine, who was yet again twirling a piece of hair in her hands and batting her eyelashes at him, so hard I thought they might fall out. I inwardly groaned, or what I thought was a silent groan.Niall whipped his head round, but before I got caught looking I turned to Jamie and pretended I was talking to her.

"Is he looking?" Jamie nodded, her eyes widening.

"He's coming over, act like you weren't talking abo- Niall. Nice to see you." She chirped.

"Jenna. May I have a word, um. Privately." I looked over at Jamie, giving her the 'please-say-you-need-me-and-I-can't-go-look'

"Sure. Yeah." I shot Niall a fake smile, glaring at Jamie behind his back. I followed him into an empty office, sitting on the desk as he stood in front of me. It was somewhat dimly lit in this room, which was due to the blinds being closed. I guess he didn't want people seeing us arguing, which was what we were doomed to do.

"Look I'm sorry. I should have text, I just got so pulled into the case with Louis that I forgot, I was at the office until 6 this morning, and I would have text then but my phone had ran out and I came here to talk to Katherine about this of-" I cut him off by pressing my lips against his. It was a split second decision which coming to think about it, I deeply regret. I pulled away, turning around and sighing.

"I'm sorry I-" He placed his hand on my waist, turning me around and placing another soft kiss on my lips. He pulled away, a grin settled on his face, "It was to shut you up. You were rambling."

"Once again I'm really sorry for leaving you, did you get home okay?" I nodded.

"I met someone called Harry at writing class. He gave me a ride home." Niall gulped and nodded, He looked away and licked his lips, "Are you jealous Mr Horan?" He turned to face me again, and he was furrowing his brows.

"No I'm not jealous. We aren't a couple, and he only drove you home. Should I be jealous? Is there something I should be jealous of?" I laughed, shaking my head. It was quiet for a couple seconds, "I really really want to take you on that desk, but I have a meeting in exactly 5 minutes and I can't be late." His eyes were dark, his breathing heavy and his voice raspy.

"I can be quick." I whispered, grabbing his tie and pulling him towards me.

((My little brother was due 6 days ago and he still isn't here:(. Hurry up lil man. It's only been nine chapters and I already ship Jiall / Nenna. Who else ships them? Niall's literally so cute omg. Tickets for OTRA tour in Glasgow are out in 4 days and If I can't get them in time then I think I might cry. But at the same time I don't really mind because I went last year and even to go once is a dream come true and it was and always will be one of the greatest days of my life (despite someone hitting my phone and cracking it and my back feeling like it was going to break). Harry blew a kiss at the group of girls next to me and we literally died. But my phone ran out and I had no memory left so this time (If I go) I'm going to send like all my photos to my computer and delete them on my phone then bring my charger case and I should be good okay now I have pcd and I'm sad i love you all goodbye))

Outfit to the side holla

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