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((Sorry I haven't updated, I'm not in a very great place right now, every things getting bad again and I'm scared and sometimes I feel like I just don't want to be here anymore, I'm not looking for anyone's pity I just want to apologize and tell you why I've not been updating, and hopefully you can forgive me for being so shitty with the update schedule :(, same with botfb, but anyway enjoy this chapter! and ps. album reference in the chapter title!!))

suits // four

- Jenna -

I suddenly felt extremely attracted to barely-dressed, sleepy-eyed, rosy-cheeked, fluffy-haired niall. His hair wasn't in his usual quiff that he had been sporting since I met him but lay flat on his head, matted to his skin. His top 4 shirt buttons were undone, showing minimum chest hair that, if we had been friends, I would have laughed at him for. He had plain black socks on his feet and his suit pants slightly crumpled due to not being hung up, and I assumed he had someone at home to tell him to hang them up. 

"Jenna? Earth to Jenna!" Jamie laughed, swatting a spatula in my face. I was suddenly completely aware at the fact I was staring at this utterly captivating human being that was in my kitchen. Niall shot his head around to look at us and laughed, then proceeded to go back to whatever he was doing before, flicking through his phone, I presume. Jamie shot me a look, the 'I-know-you-were-staring-at-niall-as-your-jaw-was-wide-open-and-drooling look.' , "I guess that'll be me off then." She raised one eyebrow and smirked, my eyes widened and I vigorously shook my head, "I have plans today, see you Niall." Niall turned around just as I stopped and smiled at her before waving. 

"Have a nice day." He grinned. And with one more look of disaproval from me to Jamie, her fiery auburn hair was out of my sight and heading back home. "Look I came here to, ask you something. Last night, but you were pretty drunk and probably wouldn't have remembered anyway. And if you don't want to go just tell me and I'll understand because I know it's not really your scene, and you prefer to stay inside an-"

"Niall." I cut him off from his rambling. 

He nodded, "Right. So my mom's holding this party thing next month, she does it every year and she doesn't like it when I don't bring a girl, since all of the other socialite's sons and daughters have dates. I was wondering if you could come with me? As my date." He chuckled, "Not as a date, like just. I don't know, come with me? Please. I need someone who's head isn't 2 ft up their own ass to keep me sane." Manhattan. A Manhattan party. It was what I had dreamt of since I was 13. A smile washed over my face as I nodded. 

"That sounds great, Niall. Of course I will." 

"Well, I'll get out of your hair, hope your hangovers better soon." He pulled his shoes on his feet, and just as he was leaving my apartment, jacket and tie in hand, something told me to stop him.

"Niall wait!" I shouted, he stopped on the stairs, turned around and shot me a confused look, "Stay for a bit? I don't have many friends in New York and It can get pretty lonely in the city." I asked warily, he shot me a half-hearted smile, which then told me he probably didn't want to spend his day with a girl from Tennesee that lives in Brooklyn and would rather spend it defending people who have been accused of a crime they may or may not have commit. 

"I'd love to, but I have work until 9. Some other time, yeah?" I nodded, smiling. That was a nicer way of saying 'ew, no thanks.'

"Sure, Bye Niall." 

"Bye, Jenna." He smiled, showing his perfectly white teeth before leaving the old apartment complex. 

- Niall -

"Katarina, can you get me another suit? Preferably one that matches this time please" She shook her head and smiled. The fact that last time she had brought out one of Mr Hendersons god awful green suits and one of his horrendous patterned ties that he wore on a daily basis. Nobody saw the need to address him on it, however due to the fact he was an excellent Attorney. Quite frankly Mr Henderson could walk around wearing whatever the hell he wanted if he kept winning cases, but that didn't mean I was joining him on the matter. "And please, stay the hell away from Mr Henderson's ensembles, thank you." I raised my eyebrow at her. 

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