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song; Night Changes (it kinda fits with this chapter and the last couple a bit idk)

lyrics; "I'm only getting older baby and I've been thinking about you lately, does it ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night changes.."

suits // eight

- Jenna -

"Jenna Moore." My gaze snapped from my hands in my lap to his face, he was smiling a lopsided grin, swirling the brown liquid in his glass. I raised my eyebrows but made no attempt to speak. "You're something.. You are something else." He chuckled, looking down at his glass then taking a sip.

I thought it completely out of the ordinary that I would ever ask this, and I felt nervous and embarrassed doing so, but I knew if I didn't ask, I would never find out anything about him, "Tell me about yourself."

"I already did, remember. The second day we met, we were at Katherine's firm, talking about my job, family, life..really. Don't tell me you can't remember." Despite refusing a drink, he poured me a glass of whatever he was drinking and slid it across the desk.

"I don't want to know about your job or your family, I want to know about you." He leaned back in his chair, crossing his legs so his ankle was resting on his knee, his elbows leaning on the arm rests and hands clasped around a glass.

"My job is me. It takes up most of my life, I work around 80 hours a week, give or take a couple."

"Isn't it that you can't work more than 48 hours a week? How do you do almost double." He chuckled quietly, and it made me uncomfortable.

"Because I choose to work 80 hours a week. I work around 13 hours a day and half of it is spent doing exactly what I'm doing now, unless the lads decide to come by, and then which we will do exactly what you and I did the other night, minus the sex, and kissing." He smirked, winking. I felt uncomfortable talking about that night, I knew It was completely wrong and I shouldn't have done it but I can't help but want to do it all over again. And again after. "What are you thinking about?" I felt my cheeks blushing, and it surprised me because his face was serious and I thought that a genius like him could've worked it out. "Don't over think it, tell me." I looked at my hands again, picking at my nail polish.

"You." I said without thinking, I did exactly what he said and didn't over think it. And I was happy that I did, It felt good not to worry about what to say before opening your mouth.

I was convinced that he would have a full blown asshole smirk plastered across his pretty little face but instead when I looked up he wore a serious expression, his blue eyes staring right at me. He stood up from his chair, leaving the glass on the desk and heading to the door. At first i thought he was going to leave, that I had creeped him out and he didn't want to be within 10 ft of me, but he closed the shades around the windows of his office and walked back over to me. "I was thinking about you too." He said. He grabbed my hands and pulled me into his chest. He leaned backwards so his back was leaning against his desk, his hands on my waist and eyes still locked onto my own.

He pressed a kiss to my lips before pressing another to the corner of my mouth, trailing down past my jaw, my neck and stopped at my collar bone. "Please keep the dress." He whispered. "It'll look a lot better on you than It will on me." He said quietly against my skin. I laughed, and It wasn't one of those cute little giggles, it was one of those horrible cackles, which then I ended up snorting, bringing my hand to cover my face in embarrassment after. "Seriously? I was trying to be sexy and seductive and you snort?" He laughed, peeling my hands away from my face.

"I'm so embarrassed." I huffed, he smiled again, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"Don't be embarrassed Jen." He whispered against my mouth. "I think it's cute."

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