Chapter 3

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I had been working on something with Blanda from the moment we got back to Texas from L.A. It was something I had planned for our anniversary. It was something I had been planning for months, but now I needed Blanda to help me pull it off. Joe was enlisted, too & he had to use his acting skills to tell Demi that Blanda & I were working on a project that Blanda wanted to keep quiet until she was finished. Demi believed it & trusted us & didn't press the issue. It helped that she was friends with Blanda & respected her work. We did get a kick out of Demi thinking we were having an affair, though. Blanda even joked that we had to get together once since we were convinced Reid was Jemi's love child. Demi just rolled her eyes as Blanda & I laughed pretty hard. Joe ignored us as he usually did when we joked about a Jemi affair.

I also saw Dr. West, our therapist, the week after my birthday, which was helpful. She even said Demi was right & so was I. She also said it showed great progress that we could figure out on our own why we had certain thoughts or reactions. She told me I didn't need to see her again for a while unless I felt I needed to, but I felt confident that I was okay after the session.

One day almost two weeks before our anniversary, Demi came running downstairs, calling my name. "In the kitchen!" I yelled. I had just given Harper & Riley their breakfast & was checking my sugar. Avery was watching me as I placed the drop of blood on the test strip. He was so fascinated when me or Mercy checked our sugar, so I was hopeful that maybe he'd be a doctor one day who would work to cure Diabetes.

Demi came into the kitchen, with a huge smile on her face. "I have amazing news!" She exclaimed as she kissed Avery, then I watched her head to the girls to kiss them, too. She turned around & walked to me, then leaned on the counter. "Did I tell you about the vintage wedding boutique my friend, Emma, is helping open in New York city this winter?" I nodded my head so she continued. "Well, Blanda is designing the decor. You knew that, right?" I nodded, then started going around the kitchen to clean up. "Anyway, it's gonna be huge & they asked me to be a model & do the commercial."

"That's awesome babe." I smiled at her, then scowled. "Why did they ask you to model for a wedding boutique?"

"Probably because my dress was vintage & so was my veil." She shrugged.

I laughed then leaned my head toward hers. "Oh. Well you could have been wearing a hefty bag, on our wedding day & I wouldn't have noticed because you looked so breathtaking that I couldn't take my eyes off your face." I kissed her smile, then went to get the twins wiped off. "When is all this happening?"

"I don't know. Soon I think with the way they talked, even though Emma had said they aren't opening it until right before Christmas. I guess they want to advertise for it or have time to re-shoot if they need to. Anyway, she's sending me all the info within the next few hours. They are lining everything up so it will take place over a few days so we can get it all done at the same time. We'll do the commercial shoot & the photo shoots over a span of a few days, so I won't have to be gone for long." Demi was walking around the kitchen, helping me clean up as she talked.

"Don't worry about it honey. We'll make it work."

"I know you would make it work, but you won't have to make it work for very long."

After the kitchen was cleaned, we played with Avery & the girls for a while. Demi loved teaching the kids stuff, so she was doing alphabet flashcards with Avery. I was going back & forth playing instruments with Harper & building blocks with Riley.

"What's a word that starts with p?" Demi asked Avery. Avery was getting pretty smart, which thrilled both of us, especially since our attempt with Reid didn't go so well. He struggled with some things & never seemed interested in learning to read or learn letters.

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