Chapter 23

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Things felt weird after my mom slapped Reid. I got a strange vibe from Daddy & Glammy & even though he didn't say anything, I was pretty sure Daddy had no idea where Mommy was "giving herself a time out." He was acting too weird & I could tell he was scared. I also saw him call Mommy's cell phone at least twice that night. Both times, he didn't talk to her & he looked worried.

Daddy looked even more worried as the days after Mommy left went by, slowly. I would hear parts of conversations & I was pretty sure Daddy was scared Mommy wouldn't come back. Any time one of us kids asked about Mommy, Daddy would stutter & look anywhere but at our faces. He was afraid we'd see something in his face that he was lying to us. At least that's what I was thinking.

I'll never forget the day Daddy came home after he'd been gone most of the day. It was the Friday after Mommy had left & I heard his car pull in the driveway, while I had been playing the piano. I got up & ran to greet him, but I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw his face. I don't think I'd ever seen him look so upset. He looked like he'd been crying for the whole day. His eyes were red & swollen, his hair messy. He didn't see me, probably because he was gripping the counter, like he was holding himself up, so he wouldn't fall over. I turned & ran to get Glammy, who was in the next room putting Harper in the enclosed area of the family room.

Glammy ran into the kitchen & had told me to stay there, but, of course, I didn't listen. I peeked around the corner of the dining room doorway that led to the kitchen. I saw Daddy in Glammy's arms, but I couldn't hear what she was saying to him. I heard Daddy speaking in a low voice as he tried to stand up, straight, but I couldn't hear him, either. I managed to make out a few things & I kinda wished I hadn't.

"She said she hated me." Daddy said, his voice shaky.

Glammy sighed. "She's angry, Nick & not in a good frame of mind. She didn't mean it."

Why wasn't Mommy in a good frame of mind? What did that even mean? "She seemed like she meant it, Mom." Daddy said, then went to the fridge, where he grabbed a beer. Daddy didn't usually drink beer unless it was after us kids were in bed or he had friends over. Or if he was stressed.

"I'm going to call your dad & tell him to come over & we'll take the kids for the weekend. I know you need some time to be alone & do some thinking & just be upset."

"Thanks, Mom. That would be helpful. I don't want them to see me like this. I can't even think straight." Daddy opened his beer & took a drink.

I walked in & made my presence known. "Daddy? Is Mommy coming home soon?" I asked, hoping he had an answer to the only question I wanted answered, at that point.

Daddy jumped as he looked at me. He, immediately, sat his beer on the counter & walked to me. Squatting in front of me, he sighed. "I hope so, baby girl. She's just seeing some doctors because of when she got hurt & because her brain was hurt so bad."

I nodded, not really wanting to remember when Mommy's brain was hurt. "Did Mommy say she hated you?" I asked my chin up a little to let Daddy know I wasn't going to let it go.

Daddy let out a breath through his nose as he watched me, with his lips pressed together. "She didn't mean it. Please don't worry about it, okay. Just have fun with Glammy & Papa this weekend & help them with your brothers & sisters. Let me worry about Mommy. Just know that she is getting help." Daddy grabbed my hand & gave it a squeeze. "Listen to me, okay? No matter what happens from here on out, you have to know that Mommy loves you very much & she would never hurt you, intentionally. I love you, too & I will love Mommy forever, no matter what, so remember that always. I will never stop fighting for her. You understand?"

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