Chapter 9

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I probably shouldn't have left Demi, especially since we had that fight, even if it wasn't a big one. I hated leaving or going to bed mad at each other. We both did, but she told me to leave. Probably because she didn't want to fight in front of people, especially the kids. As I drove, I glanced in the rear view mirror to see Jerry looking out the window. He was a reminder of why it was important that Demi & I solved our issues before we left each other. He was lip syncing along to the radio & he looked, so much like Demi, the way he got into the song without actually singing.

I took a deep breath as Demi's hurt expression popped into my head. I hurt her making the negative comments about the pageants. She had fond memories of her pageant days & it was a way for her & Mercy to bond, so I shouldn't try to discourage them. I needed to call her & apologize. I pat my jacket pocket, not feeling my phone, then I glanced at the seat & saw it wasn't there. Then, I remembered Jerry had it, backstage, at the pageant.

"Hey, Jere? I need my phone, Buddy. I wanna call your mom." I asked, catching his eye in the mirror.

I saw his eyes get wide & he bit his lip, nervously. "Aw man. I'm sorry, Dad. I left it on the table when I put it down to help Mercy unzip her costume."

I sighed, heavily, realizing that I'd have to turn around & go back. "Jerry...." I groaned.

"I'm really sorry, Dad. Just call mom & ask her to bring it home."

I pulled into a gas station & I chuckled as I turned to look at Jerry. "Think about what you just said, son..... Call her? With what?" I smirked at him, one eyebrow up in an amused fashion.

Jerry busted out laughing. "Oh wow. I'm dumb. Can't you go into a place & ask to use their phone?"

"Nah. I'll just go back to the pageant. They're probably still there, anyway."

"Probably. Girls are slobs." Jerry laughed, shaking his head.

"Pageant girls are the worst. I remember when I dated Olivia, she would leave the bathroom looking like a tornado came through it, when she got ready for an event." I laughed, then felt a pang of sadness mentioning her name.

I turned the car around & headed back to where I left Demi. I hoped she was still there & that I didn't miss her. I breathed out a sigh of relief when I saw her car still in the parking lot, all alone. "Alright, Jere, let's go in & get my phone."

"I can just wait in the car." Jerry said.

"No, I don't want you sitting out here alone. It's late & there are a million crazy people in this world & that's just my fans." I grinned at him from the front seat & he chuckled as he opened his door.

I held Jerry by the shoulder as we headed toward the building. I had the security code, so I punched it in & opened the door. After we stepped inside, I got an unsettling feeling, for some reason. I walked toward the room I had left Demi in. I got to the door, that was open & I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the condition the room was in. I put my hand up to stop Jerry. "Stay here." I whispered, then walked in the room, slowly, feeling my stomach turn & my heart sink. The room was wrecked with broken furniture & smashed decorations as well as bags of trash spilled over. My heart pounded in my chest as my breathing, quickened with fear. I scanned the room & that's when I saw the blood. Spattered blood was on several pieces of furniture & on the floor in a few places.

Now, I was panicking. I didn't know what happened, but I knew it wasn't good & I was fearing the worst at that moment. My daughter & wife were in this room when I saw them last, so now where were they? I didn't want to think about what had happened in here, until I absolutely had to. I walked into the room further, looking all over to see if Demi or Mercy were in here, somewhere. I heard whistling coming from the hall so I ran out there, grabbing a glass vase, that had been knocked over, to use as a weapon. Jerry's eyes were wide with fear when I stood next to him, looking like I was ready to attack someone.

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