chapter 35

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Then it hit Nick, the baby. He got up really fast and asked one of the nurses
            - How’s my baby?
            - The doctors are working, you need to wait a bit more and then I’ll call you right away – She said smiling
            - Thanks – Nick said faking a smile

            Nick went to the waiting area and there was already Demi’s family with Marissa. Soon as he got there Dianna hugged Nick
            - How’s she? – She asked
            - I don’t know yet, the nurse said that they’re working and then she’ll call me right away – He said
            - Everything is gonna be ok son – Eddie said and hugged Nick
            - I hope so sir – Nick said – How are you? – Nick asked Marissa
            - I don’t even know – Marissa said
            - come here – Nick said and oppened his arms for Marissa – We gotta stick through this together. All of us – Nick said
            - I feel like this was my fault – Marissa said
            - What are you talking about? It’s no one’s fault – Nick said
            - If I didn’t told Demi to meet me, she would never leave the house at that moment – Marissa said crying
            - Marissa – Nick started and hugged her tighter – It’s not your fault, things happen when they have to happen – He said then the nurse came by
            - Nicholas Jonas? – she asked
            - Yes – Nick said
            - You can come with me – she said and Nick followed her. When he reached the room Demi was there drinking water

            - Hi baby – Demi said in a weak voice
- How are you? – Nick asked
- Thankful I’m alive with just some bruises – Demi said showing him her broken arm
- What happened on the road? – Nick asked and sat down
- I stopped to throw up, and when I was about to hit the road some car came and we crashed – Demi said
- How’s the baby? – Nick asked
- I don’t know yet – Demi said and grabbed her stomach – I hope everythings ok- Demi said
            - Demetria Lovato, am I right? – The doctor said
            - Yes – Demi said
- And this young man is? – He asked
- Nick Jonas, I’m her boyfriend – Nick said
- So I guess you’re the baby’s father – He said
- yes – Nick said
- well, in that case I’ll talk to you both right away – the doctor started – when the car crashed, your stomach collided into the car door as you got out of the road, your baby is still alive but I don’t know for how long – he said and Demi started crying right away – you can go home because there’s nothing much we can do with you here, you can’t do hard work and you need absolute rest, if you notice any difference in your body you need to come here right away – he added
- what are the chances of him to survive? – Nick asked
- I can’t lie on this, it has 35% chance of surviving – the doctor said
- We’ll do everyhting we can for him to survive baby – Nick said and grabbed Demi’s hand

Later on they got home and Demi followed the doctor’s instruction and took absolute rest
            - Baby, I’m hungry, can you bring me something to eat? – Demi asked Nick
            - Sure, what do you want? – He asked
            - Do we still have cookies? – Demi asked
            - Yes, anything to drink? – He asked
            - Orange juice – Demi said
            - Right away – Nick said and got up off bed
            - One more thing, come here – Demi said and kissed Nick – thanks for everything – she added
            - Anything for you – Nick said and went to the kitchen

A few hours when they were sleeping Nick woke up with Demi screaming his name
            - Nick! Wake up – She screamed
            - What’s wrong baby? – Nick asked while he rubbed his eyes and turned the lights on
            - There’s blood everywhere! – Demi screamed while crying – I’m bleeding – she added.

            Nick got up really fast, put some clothes on and drove to the ER. Soon as they got there Demi went to one of the rooms that was filled with nurses and doctors.

            Nick went back and forward as he waited for news, he called Demi’s mom and dad and also Marissa and they got there a few time later.
            - What happened? – Dianna asked as she hugged Nick
            - She woke me up at the middle of the night because there was blood everywhere and next thing I know, we’re here – Nick said
            - My poor little angel is going throgh so much – Dianna said – at least I’m glad she has you on her life to give her support – Dianna said and Nick smiled a bit
            - Thanks – He said
            - Well and now everything we have to do is wait right? – Eddie said
            - Yes – Nick said and they all sat down

            An hour later a doctor came by.
            - Are you the family of miss Demetria Lovato? – He asked
            - Yes – Dianna said
            - And I assume you are her boyfriend or husband? – He asked
            - yes, I’m her boyfriend – Nick said
            - Well, Demetria lost lots of blood but everythings fine with her now, she needs some rest and can get back to her normal life – The doctor said
            - Oh my, thanks God, thank you doctor. And what about our baby? – Nick asked
            - Well – He started – We worked hard and did everything we could but unfortunally miss Demetria lost her baby at 4:00 a.m – He said – I’m sorry – He added and patted Nick’s back.

            Nick sat on the ground with his face on his hands and then started punching everything he could, Eddie then grabbed him and tried to calm him down
            - Why? I loved this child so much and I’ve never even saw his or hers face? Why is God being mean to me Eddie? – Nick started and hugged him – Why? – He said sobbing
            - It wasn’t in God’s plans Nick, you need to be strong, for both of you, Demi surelly is feeling the same way as you or even worst – Eddie said – You need to be there for her even knowing you need someone to be there for you and I believe Demi will be helping you as much as you’ll help her – Eddie said
            - I’ll see her now and then I’ll call you guys in ok? – Nick asked
            - Sure – Eddie said and Nick went to Demi’s room

            - Hi sweetheart – Nick said and kissed Demi softly on her lips
            - Hi – Demi said
            - How are you feeling? – Nick asked not sure if he wanted to hear the answer
            - devastated – Demi said and cleaned her tears
            - I’m so glad that nothing happened to you, love – Nick said
            - So am I, but – Demi started
            - No buts, you could have lost your life in all this, I surely wanted this baby as much as you did but Demi, he didn’t suffer or felt anything at all – Nick said
            - I guess you’re right, is it bad that I feel a little relieved that I can wait a few more time until I really want to be a mother? – Demi said
            - Not at all – Nick said
            - In the other hand I want a baby, but at the right time – Demi said
            - We’ll try anytime – Nick said and kissed Demi’s forehead
            - Are you saying this because you want to have sex or because you want to be a father? – Demi asked smiling a little
            - Both – Nick said and laughed a bit
            - I love you – Demi said
            - I love you too – Nick said and kissed her


when I wrote the part where the doctor talks to Nick about the baby loss I was listening to In Case and then a knot came to my throat and I was litterally crying so I hope you get as emotional as I was. Comment and vote please. Love You All and sorry for the wait but I wasn't in the mood to write. Thank You

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