chapter 10

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- Demi, we need to talk – Nick said

                - I know – Demi said

                - What are we doing? – Nick asked

                - What do you mean? – Demi asked

                - I’m hiding something from you. You mean to me more than just a friend – Nick said

                - I kinda feel the same way – Demi said

                - It’s just, like, we got so close to each other I think it would happen sooner or later – Nick said and Demi didn’t say a thing and just stared to the ground – You have nothing to say about this? – Nick asked, Demi just kissed him, passionately.

                - What was this for? – Nick asked

                - I just, like, wanted – Demi said

                - What are we? – Nick asked

                - I don’t know, I think we should just take things slowly and see where this takes us – Demi said

                - I agree, so we’re just friends? – Nick said

                - With benefits – Demi said laughing and Nick hugged her

                - Are we keeping this a secret? – Nick asked

                - Yes, until things get a bit more serious I want to keep this a secret – Demi said

                - Sure – Nick said – Well, I gotta go, see you tomorrow? – He asked as he headed to the front door

                - Sure – Demi said and gave him a quick peck – See you tomorrow – She said while he closed the door.

                Demi’s phone started ringing

                -“hello? – Demi said

                - Hey baby girl – Dianna said

                - hey mom – Demi said smiling to herself

                - I was gonna ask you if you want to come over tomorrow to have lunch with us – Demi’s mom said

                - Actually I was thinking in picking Maddie in the morning to have a girls day and then we could all have lunch at my place, what do you think? – Demi asked

                - Yeah sure, but I need to go there earlier to start cooking – Dianna said

                - Sure, ask Dallas for my  house keys she has one – Demi said

                - Ok, see ya – Dianna said

                - Bye” – Demi said and hung up

In the following day Demi did as she said and picked Madison to go out a bit. They went to a mall and to starbucks. When it was almost lunch time Demi went back to her house where the rest of her family were already making lunch.

                - We’re home – Demi shouted

                - Hey shorty – Dallas said

                - We’re like the same size Dallas – Demi said

                - But we’re not, my friend – Dallas said

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