Chapter 17

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- Nick, it's not what it looks like - Demi said

- If it looks like that we were about to kiss yeah it is what it looks like - Logan said smirking. Nick grabbed a drink and threw it at him and was about to punch him when Demi grabbed his arm

- Don't do it Nick - Demi said

- go away - Nick said, his eyes were full of anger and he pushed Demi to the side. then she ran between Nick and Logan so Nick would not punch him

- Nick we can talk later, let's go - Demi said

- I don't want to talk - Nick said and went to his car followed by Demi

- Nick! - Demi said - Nick wait please - She said grabbing his shoulder until he stoped

- We're over, good luck with your friend - Nick said sarcastically laughing

- What? Nick wait I can explain - Demi said but he turned around to go to his car

- Will you really run away like a little boy? Grow up Nicholas - Demi said already feeling tears on her eyes

- Tell me, what the fuck is there to explain that you were cheating on me? and I thought you were better than Olivia, women are all the same - Nick said and Demi slapped him

- Never, ever compare me and that whore again, I didn't kiss him, he is drunk and was hitting on me, you know what, forget it, bye - Demi said and turned away crying

- And I'm the child here, whatever Demi, by the way was that the reason you didn't want to be public? So you could kiss other boys and not be seen as a cheater? - Nick said opening his arms like he was questioning it

- No, I was trying to protect our relationship from the media, I didn't want them to be between me and you, they are always talking shit if they see you with some girl friend or the opposite. But you seem like you don't trust me, and I thought you knew me. i love you Nick but you need to trust me - Demi said with her voice cracking because of her cry

- I'm sorry Demi - Nick said but she turned away - Wait please - Nick softly said grabbing her by the waist

- I need time Nick, please - Demi said crying

- I'm such an asshole, sorry, I do trust you, I love you please don't go - Nick said

- I just need some time to myself Nick, I will not break up with you - Demi said 

- I will give you some space then, call me when you feel it - Nick said and pecked her lips softly but she pulled away and went to her car.

After one day without talking to Demi, Nick was feeling lonely, he called Joe but he didn't answer so he tried Kevin, why not?

-"Hello? - Kevin said

- Hey Kev, you busy? - Nick said

- No, what's up? - Kevin said

- I messed up bro - Nick said sounding sad

- What happened? - Kevin said

- Well a friend of Demi was drunk and tried to kiss her, and I got really pissed and told her things I didn't want to and we kinda broke up, well we didn't she just asked me for some space - Nick said

- that sounds really messed up bro. Make something special for her, make her feel special, give her space but not completly - Kevin said

- What if she gets really mad at me? - Nick asked

- Nick, she will not be angry at you, well I gotta go Dani needs me now, give me some news later on - Kevin said

- Thanks bro, love ya - Nick said

- Love you too, see ya" - Kevin said and hung up

Demi was lying on the couch when she heard some knocks on the door. She opened it but no one was there, there was only a piece of paper with "I'm on the back" , at first she didn't know what that meant but then she went at her balcony that gave her view to her back garden. She saw Nick, and a guitar

- What are you doing? - Demi said scaring the shit out of Nick. he then started playing - Nick answer me, what part of give me so- Demi was saying but Nick started singing

- Hello beautiful how's it going, I hear it's wonderful in California. I've been missing you it's true. but tonight I'm gonna fly. yeah tonight, I'm gonna fly. 'cause I can go across the world and see everything and never be satisfied, if I couldn't see, those eyes. ­- He sang and looked over at where Demi was, but she dissapeared. He continued to sing

- Hello beautiful, it's been a long time, since's my phone has rang and you've been on that line, I've been missing you, it's true - he started and then saw her back door opening and there she was leaning in the wall and hearing him, right in front of him

- But tonight, I'm gonna fly, yeah tonight I'm gonna flycause I can go across the world and see everything and never be satisfied, if I couldn't see, those eyes - He sang and played the last chords

- Demi, I'm sorry - He started and took off his guitar to grab her hands - I should have let you explain without jumping into some stupid conclusions, will you forgive me? - Nick said but she didn't said nothing - Demi, don't do this to me - He added almost tearing up

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