chapter 34

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Two months passed, Demi was now three months and a week pregnant, she finished her album and was at an event to sing one of her singles Really Don’t Care. Demi was wearing some large clothes because her baby bump was already showing.
            -“What if they notice and ask?” – Demi texted Nick
            -“You can’t hide for much longer now, everyone is already noticing” – Nick said
            -“ You’re ok to tell everyone when I feel like telling?” – Demi asked
            -“Sure, boss. I love you, kick their asses” – Nick said
            - “Love you too” – Demi said and gave her phone to Natalie, her assistant

Demi went on stage and sang Really Don’t Care, and then she went to where Jimmy Fallon was, because he was the host.
            - Wonderfully made Demi, like always – He said and hugged her
            - Thanks – Demi said smiling while she sat on her chair
            - So when is this album coming? – Jimmy asked
            - Soon – Demi said smiling
            - no, seriously – Jimmy said and the crowd laughed
            - I don’t know, I only know that it’s soon – Demi said laughing
            - And how do you feel with this crowd here? – Jimmy asked
            - I feel like I should be the one asking you that, you’re always used to your little studio – Demi said fighting her laugh
            - I thought we were friends – Jimmy jokingly said – So and is there any music on the album about the little Jonas brother that stole your heart? – He asked
            - Yes, more than one actually – Demi said
            - What are the titles? – Jimmy asked
            - you have to discover for yourself, and for that you have to buy my album – Demi said laughing
            - I will not spend the money I make on my little studio on your album – Jimmy said and Demi started laughing
            - I can give you a free copy since we’re friends – Demi said and high fived Jimmy
            - And Demi I have to do this question everyone wants the answer – Jimmy said and Demi felt nervous – Is it true that you’re a mom to be? – Jimmy asked and Demi started smiling – are you expecting a baby? – He finally asked and Demi smiled brighter than ever
            - Yes, I am – She said and the crowd went wild with cheers and ‘aws’
            - Congrats – Jimmy said – I don’t feel hurt or anything that you didn’t tell your bff – Jimmy said
            - Sorry, this is still kinda new to me – Demi said
            - People are speculating that you and Nick only got back together when they started noticing your baby bump – Jimmy said
            - No, we never really broke up, we only took some little time apart and when we had our time we got back together – Demi said
            - And where is the babys father? – Jimmy asked
            - He’s at home cleaning mommy’s empty room for the baby – Demi said smiling
            - Look at this woman everybody, she’s in love – He said and Demi covered her face
            - Stop it Jimmy – She said giggling
            - So, I guess you’re moving in together – Jimmy said
            - It’s not official but it will happen eventually – Demi said
            - And marriage? – Jimmy asked
            - We haven’t talked about that yet – Demi said
            - Nicholas come on, put a ring on it – Jimmy said doing the dance with the hand
            - Someday – Demi said laughing
            - I wish you and your family the best, everybody cheer for Demi Lovato – Jimmy said and Demi waved and went home

            - I’m home baby – Demi said and Nick covered her eyes from behind
            - My boyfriend will kick your ass if he founds out that whoever you are, is covering my eyes – Demi said and Nick started kissing her neck – Now he’ll definitely kill you – Demi said giggling and turned around – I missed you – She said and kissed him
            - I missed you too, a lot – Nick said and kissed down her neck
            - Did you cleaned the room? – Demi asked while she had her eyes closed
            - Yes, all of it – Nick said with an heavy breathing
            - I think we should go upstairs to check it out – Demi said and took Nick’s shirt off
            - We should go upstairs but not to that room – Nick said and carried Demi bridal style to their room and laid her down and was now on top of her and was kissing her from her neck till her stomach
            - I like that – Demi said and grabbed his head
            - let me take your shirt off – Nick said and did as said and now Demi was on top of him and kissing him. They soon became one and collapsed next to each other

            - I feel like last time we had sex was like a month ago – Nick said
            - That’s because it was. – Demi said trying to catch her breath
            - Let me tell you, that was great – He said and kissed her softly
            - I know – Demi said and snuggled into his chest
            - Now everyone knows we have sex – Nick said and laughed
            - Yeah, like they didn’t knew – Demi said laughing
            - Do you mean, they did? – Nick asked fakingly shocked
            - Oh my God, they knew – Demi said – you’re so dumb – she added and kissed his chest – and you smell good
            - Well and I’ll get up and make dinner for my babys – Nick said, got up and dressed some boxers – and u can stay here and take a nap or something – He added and kissed her forehead

            Two weeks have passed and Nick and Demi were having their normal life as usual

            - Nick, I’m going out – Demi said
            - Want me to go? – Nick asked
            - No, you have an interview – Demi said
            - I can call it off – Nick said
            - Nick, I’m almost four months pregnant I’m not handicapped – Demi said smiling – I gotta go – Demi said and pecked her lips

            Demi texted Marissa telling her she was going out now to meet her. She was in the middle of the driveway when she felt the need to purge and tried to pull over.
            When Demi finished she went tried to hit the road again but it was hard, when Demi thought it was safe to go. It wasn’t. A car crashed into Demi’s car and she went off the road. Marissa tried to call her but no answer, she called Nick and he said she wasn’t home and he started to panic.

            They both went to the car and hit the road searching for Demi, they saw all the car crash and recognized Demi’s car. Nick’s heart stopped and he ran there right away.

            - Sorry sir but you can’t be here – An officer said
            - I’m her boyfriend I can be wherever the fuck I want – Nick said and went to where Demi was. – Baby, wake up – Nick said crying – I need you – he added and kissed her. He looked over his shoulder and saw Marissa crying her eyes out and talking to an officer
            - You need to be a little bit away, we need to work – a nurse said
            - I’ll go with you guys – Nick said almost sreaming and crying
            - You can meet us at the hospital – She said and Nick went to the car with Marissa and went to the hospital

            - I’m scared Nick – Marissa said
            - Everything is going to be ok – Nick said even knowing he wasn’t sure of what he said
            - I’ll pray for it – Marissa said

            When they reached the hospital Nick went further inside and tried to go where Demi was
            - Sir you can’t go in – The doctor said
            - The person I love the most in this world is behind that door – Nick said while tears rolled down his cheeks – I would do everything to be on her place, be the one in that crash – Nick said and sat on the ground grabbing his knees together – I love her so much – He said crying out loud


Give me feedback, it broke my heart to write this chapter and next one will be even worst, get ready. Love you all

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