chapter 51

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Later on Demi went home and a few time later Nick got home too and they fell asleep.

                - Goodmorning – Nick said rubbing his eyes as he went to the kitchen
                - Good late morning sleepy head – Demi said and smiled as he hugged her from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder
                - What time is it? – Nick asked and kissed her cheek
                - 1:30 p.m – Demi said – did you slept well?
                - Yea – Nick said smiling as he leaned against the counter with his hands grabbing it – And what about last night, my little Demi has got some naughty secrets – he said and smirked
                - That secrets happened in there and stayed in there – Demi said and laughed – if you weren’t tipsy last night I would finish what I had started
                - I wasn’t drunk – Nick said
                - Nooooo – Demi sarcastically said – you only came home, asked me what was I doing in our bed and if aliens were the ones dropping me there, I guess you were not drunk – Demi said and laughed
                - Did they? – Nick asked laughing and Demi punched his arm
                - Let’s have lunch – Demi said and they sat eating

- alright, I’ll go to my mom’s house, ‘cause I doubt I’ll sleep tonight and I gotta dress myself for tomorrow – Demi said

                - alright, Joe’s coming over to help me – Nick said         

                - Well, gotta go, see you tomorrow at the church fiancé – Demi said and kissed Nick
                - See you tomorrow – he said and hugged her
                - I can’t believe we’re really getting married – Demi said laughing nervously
                - I can’t imagine going through this with anyone else – Nick said – I love you so much – He added
                - I love you too baby – Demi said and kissed him again – see ya – she said and closed the door blowing a kiss at him

                - Alright wake up sleepy head – Joe said
                - What time is this? – Nick asked
                - 6 a.m – Joe said
                - I’m getting married at 10:30, not 7 – Nick said
                - Nick, I know what I’m talking about, let’s go – Joe said
                - Alright, I don’t know people that wake this early for their weddings – Nick said and rubbed his eyes
                - I believe Demi hasn’t slept at all – Joe said and laughed a little
                - Women – Nick said – I’ll take a bath, a real one – He said and went to the bathroom

                - Demi, you’ve been like this for 2 hours, your hair is perfectly fine – Dallas said
                - no it’s not – Demi said
                - It’s beautiful, you’re beautiful Demi – Dianna said
                - What about this make up? I don’t think it’s the nice one for now – Demi said
                - Demi your make up is on point – Madison said and Dallas nodded in agreement
                - I just – Demi said and sat while she started crying – I just want everything to be just perfect – Demi said and cleaned her tears
                - honey – Dianna said – everything is going to be ok, you are beautiful you’ll be marrying an amazing man and I am so proud of you – Dianna said and hugged her – and this is going to be one of the happiest days of your life, so no tear – Dianna said and hugged her more
                - Thanks mom – Demi said and smiled
                - Come on, let’s get that dress on – Dallas said and Demi started dressing up

                - Joe, how’s my hair? – Nick asked
                - for the 134th time, it’s great, all nice and you smell great – Joe said – are you nervous? – He asked as he patted Nick’s back
                - a little – Nick said and grabbed his bracelet dropping it right away – shit – he said and picked it up
                - Calm down bro – Joe said – you’ll see it’s gonna be quick, one second you’re engaged, the other your married and on honeymoon – Joe said
                - Well, let’s see if I have everything – Nick said and checked himself on the mirror
                - let’s go – Joe said and they grabbed their jackets to leave

                - alright Demi, now your shoes, you’re already late – Eddie said
                - ok, almost done – Demi said – we can leave – she added and they went to the car

                Nick chose the casual black suit with a black tie, Demi changed a bit and went with a grey dress, her hair was in a classy and glamorous bun.

                Nick was already on his position waiting for Demi, right now he didn’t even know what he felt, so he made  a signal to Joe
                - What’s up? – Joe whispered
                - I’m not feeling well – Nick said
                - Relax, you’re just stressed – Joe said
                - I gotta go – Nick said and started running and everyone looked at him and then at Joe who stood there not knowing what to do
                - What’s wrong? – papa J asked
                - He said he was not feeling well and started running – Joe said
                - That’s weird, do you think he had second thoughts about this? – Papa J asked
                - I don’t think so, but you never know – Joe said
                - Try to find your brother – Papa J said
                - alright, I’ll bring him – Joe said and started searching for him

                - Why can’t I go there already? – Demi asked
                - There’s some technical problems – Eddie said
                - Dad, we’re not at a show, it’s MY wedding, I want to know why I can’t get out of this car and get married already – Demi said pissed off
                - Demi, we gotta wait – Eddie said
                - What the fuck is wrong? – Demi almost screamed
                - No one can find Nick – Dianna blurted out
                - What?! – Demi screamed and wanted to cry


sorry it's so short but I want to do another different chapter to see what happens next and it's already late, just wanted to have you guessing what will happen, is Nick regretting and will he push the wedding a little until he's ready? Or will he come back because he only went to the bathroom? Comment and vote, love u all

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