chapter 14

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When it was almost dinner time, Demi, Nick and Frankie headed to the De La Garza's/Lovato's house

- You ready to face Eddie de la Garza? - Nick said to Frankie

- If you survived I'm gonna survive aswell - Frankie said looking through the car window

- We'll see - Nick said

- Frankie, he's not that bad, Nick is just trying to scare you - Demi said from the front seat

- Nick's an asshole, how are you dating him? - Frankie said

- Yeah he's an asshole - Demi started

- Hey, the asshole is hearing you - Nick cut off

- But he's an adorable asshole, and I love him - Demi said smiling at Nick

- I love you too babe - Nick said

- Keep your eyes on the road Nicholas - Frankie said

- I don't need to, we're here - Nick said

- Shit - Frankie said under his breath while Demi knocked on the door

- Hey guys - Dianna said

- Hi mom - Demi said and hugged her

- Don't you have the copy of this house's keys? - Dianna asked

- Left them at Nick's house sorry - Demi said

- Don't worry, Nick cmon give me a hug - Dianna said and Nick hugged her

- And Frankie, you're all grown up - Dianna said

- And you're always good looking Ms. De la Garza - Frankie said

- Thank you young man, let's go inside - Dianna said

- nice move bro - Nick whispered into Frankie's ear and he smirked

When they reached the living room they all greeted everyone exept Frankie and Maddie, they sat next to each other and Madison looked over Demi so she could help her

- Hm, dad, so did you knew our litle Maddie isn't so little anymore - Demi said

- I thought she had got her period a few years ago - Eddie said

- That's not what I meant - Demi said

- I have a boyfriend - Madison blurted out and Eddie chocked a bit on his drink

- I'm happy for you baby - Dianna said

- Me too - Eddie said

- Really, you'll not scream at me? - Madison asked a bit surprised

- No, it's something normal from life - Eddie said

- See I told you it was not that hard - Demi said

- yeah, but well, there's more - Maddie said

- Yes? - Dianna said

- I am her boyfriend - Frankie said

- wow, I was not expecting this - Dianna said but Eddie just kept quiet

- Dad? - Madison said a bit afraid

- Great - Eddie said

- Seriously? - Frankie asked

- Yes, that's great, you're a great boy so, ut you know, hurt my daughter and I'll hurt you - Eddie said

- You don't need to worry Mr. De la Garza - Frankie said

- You can call me Eddie - Eddie said

- Yes, Eddie - Frankie said

- hm, Madison can I talk to you in private? - Demi asked her

- Sure let's go upstairs to my room - Madison said, they headed to her room and Nick looked at her knowing what she wanted to talk about

- So what do you want to talk about? - Madison asked while she sat on her bed

- it's kinda about your relationship with Frankie - Demi said and closed the door

- Yes? - Madison asked

- Is Frankie your first boyfriend? - Demi asked sitting next to her

- No - Maddie said

- Your first real boyfriend - Demi said

- Well, yes - Maddie said

- Your first kiss? - Demi asked

- No - Maddie answered

- I'll go straight to the subject - Demi said

- I'm waiting - Maddie said

- Did you ever had- Demi started but stopped

- Had what? - Maddie asked

- Sex, did you haver had sex? - Demi asked

- Do we really need to talk about this? - Maddie asked

- It's either me or mom, choose - Demi said

- No, I've never had sex - Maddie said turning red

- But you know, like, that you need to wear condoms and stuff - Demi said

- I'm not dumb Demi - Madison said

- Just making sure you'll not get pregnant before I do - Demi said laughing and hugged Maddie

- Ahm Demi, just one more thing - Madison said

- What? - Demi asked

- Did you lost it with Nick? - She asked

- No - Demi said

- With Wilmer? - Maddie asked

- No - Demi said

- So? - Maddie asked

- With Sterling, when I was seventeen - Demi said

- You guys dated for like one year right? - Maddie asked

- Yes - Demi said

- And can we go downstairs now - Maddie asked

- Yes young lady - Demi said and put one arm around Madison

- Finally you girls arrived, we can eat now - Eddie said and they went to the table

- Thank you - Dianna whispered at Demi

- For what? - Demi whispered back

- I know what kind of conversation you had with Madison, it was awkwardly enough to have it with you and Dallas so, thanks  - Dianna said

- Anytime - Demi said smiling and they went to the table

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