chapter 57

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Three months passed, Demi didn’t left the house much, her pregnancy was still a “secret” since nobody noticed when she went to her family’s house or at Marissa’s house, she wore big clothes and parked inside the house so nobody knew yet.

                - Nick I am so tired of being home – Demi said – we don’t go out on a date in ages – She added
                - Where do you want to go? – Nick asked while scrolling through his phone
                - I don’t care where, I’m just tired of being here, or at my parents house. I miss going out with you – Demi said – In some months I’ll be too tired to go out – She added
                - Alright – Nick said – go get ready – He said
                - where are we going? – Demi asked
                - To have lunch by the beach, and then we can actually go to the beach for a walk or something – Nick said
                - Do you think that is that easy? – Demi said laughing – I’m all in for the lunch but I don’t know if paparazzi will let us be alone – She added
                - We’ll try – Nick said – and it’s so hot out there, I want to swim a bit – He added
                - I don’t know about the swimming thing, it’s not that hot and the water is cold as fuck – Demi said
                - Don’t curse around the baby – Nick sarcastically said
                - shut up – Demi said and went upstairs to change

                - Like it? – Demi said as she got downstairs and spun
                - Love it – Nick said – and love the fact that you’re not wearing one of your three sizes bigger than you shirt and your belly is actually a bit popping out – he added and gently kissed her belly
                - it’s about time for the world to know – Demi said
                - Let’s go – He said and grabbed her hand

                They reached the place where they’d be having lunch and sat down.
                - So – Nick started – We should start making the baby’s room – He said
                - yeah, first we need to figure out the sex, then we can buy stuff – Demi said while finishing her food
                - When will that happen? – Nick asked
                - I have an appointment tomorrow – Demi said – Don’t tell me you forgot – She added laughing a bit
                - I didn’t forget – Nick said – I was making sure you knew – He added
                - Yeah right. We should pay and leave, I’m done – Demi said
                - Alright, let’s go – Nick said. They payed and left to the beach

                - Nick I’m not going to the water – Demi said
                - Why not? – Nick asked
                - It’s cold – Demi said
                - Oh come on – Nick said and took his shirt off. Everybody was already staring at them and now ladies were looking at Nick – will you let me go to the water by myself and let all these women look at me or even approach me? – He asked smirking
                - They can look, you’re still mine – Demi said and kissed him
                - Come on – Nick said – Just a bit? – He asked with puppy eyes
                - Alright, 5 minutes – Demi said and they went to the water.

                There were a few paparazzi already taking pics of Demi and Nick, but mostly Demi since it was her first time showing the baby bump.
                - See it wasn’t that hard – Nick said as they got back to the sand
                - Whatever – Demi said and cleaned herself
                - Listen, tomorrow I’ve got an interview, and since you say you’re always home, do you want to come? – Nick asked
                - do you want me to go or are you saying that beca- Demi started
                - No. I want you to come – He said firmly
                - Alright, I’ll gladly go – Demi said and dressed her shirt

                The next day Nick and Demi went to Nick’s interview on Jimmy Kimmel
                - Alright our next guest has a number one song in the U.S, please welcome Nick Jonas – Jimmy said and Nick got in the studio and waved
                - How are you? – Nick asked as he sat down
                - Fine, how are you? – Jimmy asked
                - Amazing thanks – Nick said smiling
                - How’s it like to have a number one song? I mean it must be great right? – Jimmy asked          
                - Yeah, it was one of the things I wanted out of this album and it’s like a dream come true – He answered
                - And alright, I gotta ask, how’s Demi? – he asked
                - She’s doing very well – Nick said with a huge smile
                - Is the married life the life you dreamed of? – Jimmy asked
                - I hade this ideal but Demi made it even better, I’m glad our paths crossed – Nick said
                - And you two are parents to be – Jimmy said and the audience cheered – When will Demi deliver? – He asked
                - She’s five months pregnant so we’re in July, she’ll deliver in November – Nick said
                - You guys hide it really well – Jimmy said
                - It was not hiding, she’s a home girl, she wasn’t out much – Nick said
                - I wish you two all the best, Nick Jonas everyone – Jimmy said and the interview was over

                - How was backstage? – Nick asked
                - They had some snacks here, and oh God they were amazing, you have to buy these – Demi said
                - is that the pregnant side of Demi talking? – Nick asked laughing
                - Probably – Demi said – It’s getting bigger and bigger – she added
                - yeah – Nick said

                They went to the doctor to finally find out if it was a boy or a girl
                - Mrs. Jonas? – The doctor said and looked up at Demi – and you must be the baby’s father? – He asked
                - Yes, I’m Nick – He said – Nick Jonas – he added and shook his hand
                - Alright, let’s start – he said – so here we have the head, seems perfect, little hands, legs, spine and there it is, ready to find out? – He asked
                - Sure – Demi said
                - Alright let me check, yes that’s right – the doctor said
                - So? – Nick asked and Demi grabbed his hand
                - It’s a…


this story will end on the chapter 60, so it's almost over. Tell me what was your fav part, or the part you dislike the most. Love you all and it's been great to write for you BUT I will start a new story, I don't know the name but it will have obvs Demi and Nick and will include the usual characters of both families, their closest friends and a new character... Zac Efron. Stay tuned for more hahaha. - C

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