chapter 12

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Nick greeted everyone that was home and went to the living room with them

- I haven’t seen you in a while I’m surprised you still don’t have grey hair – Frankie said while he sat next to Nick

- Yeah, you’re so funny Franklin – Nick said faking his laugh

- yeah Nicholas you have much to talk – Frankie said – By the way I need to talk to you, serious talk, from man to man – He added

- You’re fifteen you’re not a man – Nick said laughing

- Can I talk? – Frankie said

- Go ahead – Nick said

- I know that you and Demi are closer now – Frankie said

- So? – Nick asked

- You could help reconnect my friendship with Madison, we haven’t talked since like camp rock 2 – Frankie said

- Only friendship my dear brother? – Nick asked smirking

- Don’t start, you’re worst than mom – Frankie said

- I’ll call Demi and see if they are free tomorrow wait a minute – Nick said and called Demi

-“Already missing me? – Demi said

- a bit, but I called for other reason – Nick said

- Yes? – Demi started

- Frankie wants to hang out with Madison, you girls up tomorrow? – Nick asked

- Yes, Madison is home so, what time? – Demi asked

- Before lunch, like 12 p.m – Nick said

- Sure, bring him to my place – Demi said

- ok then – Nick said

- Nick, I think we should tell them, so that we can act normal tomorrow you know – Demi said

- Yeah, ok – Nick said

- So, bye see you babe – Demi said

- See ya Demi” – Nick said and hung up

The following day Nick picked Frankie up and they headed to Demi's house.

- Ready to see your friend ? - Nick asked smirking

- Nicholas - Frankie said giving him some deadly look

- What Franklin? - Nick asked, Frankie was gonna answer him but the door swung open

- Already arguing boys? - Demi asked smiling

- teenager problems - Nick said and Frankie punched him in the arm

- Hi Demi - Frankie said and hugged her

- Wow, you're taller than me now - Demi said laughing

- That's not hard, shorty - Nick whispered

- I heard that - Demi said laughing - Madison is in the living room, you can go - She added

- Actually I need to go to the bathroom, some asshole didn't want to wait one more minute - Frankie said

- Sure, third door at the left - Demi said laughing and Frankie went to the bathroom

- Give me a kiss now - Nick said pulling her by the waist

- She doesn't know yet - Demi said

- We'll tell her, so - Nick said and kissed her not letting go of her waist as she pressed her hands against his chest

- Rooms are upstairs - Madison said as she went to the kitchen

- Oh shoot - Demi said breaking the kiss and went after Madison

- Mad - Demi said as she went inside the kitchen

- What? - Madison said while she filled a glass of water

- ahm, we need to talk about what you saw right now - Demi said

- Look, Demi, I'm fifteen and I'm not that dumb anymore, I know you liked Nick, and I also saw the news, and after all you're still my sister and Dallas can't keep her mouth shut - Madison said laughing

- That bitch - Demi said laughing

- And I like Nick, I like him more than any other ex boyfriends of yours actually - Madison said putting her glass of water down

- Why? - Demi asked

- I've known Nick for years, just like you and he was always a sweetheart, and the other guys just didn't seem in love - Madison said

- Are you really my little sister? Who would know you knew so much about life huh? - Demi said putting an arm around her as they headed to the living room where Frankie and Nick were seeing tv

- Hey Nick - Madison said and hugged Nick

- Hey Mads - Nick said

- And hi Frankiestein - Madison said hugging Frankie

- You remember - Frankie said laughing

- You told him about us? - Demi whispered at Nick

- Yes, sister-in-law - Frankie said

- I need to work my whispering techniques - Demi said laughing

- i'm happy for both of you but, you guys shouldn't be hiding this from parents - Frankie said

- It's not that simple - Nick said

- Actually it is, I know why you guys don't want to tell anyone, because you guys are just starting it up and you're afraid to disapoint your parents because things cannot go well, but seriously you guys are made for each other and I think you should tell not only family but the whole world because your love is one of the most beautiful of all times - Madison said

- Wow I- I don't know what to- wow - Was all Demi could say, she was speechless and Madison high fived Frankie

- I don't even know what to say either - Nick said and Demi rested her back on his chest

- Our siblings are all grown up - Demi said

- I think they're right we should tell - Nick said

- you think? - Demi asked lifting her head a little

- Yes - Nick said and kissed her

- Guys, awkward - Frankie said and they all laughed

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