chapter 23

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- Yes Nick, pregnant – Demi said tearing up
                - Woah, that’s a lot – Nick said grabbing his head
                - Yes, I mean I do want to have kids don’t you? – Demi asked
                - I do, just not now, we’re both 21 and we’re making it big in the industry, I mean for me it’s easier to keep going, but you’re not gonna perform to a full arena with a belly looking like u ate a soccer ball – Nick said
                - What if I’m really pregnant? – Demi asked – What are we gonna do? – She added
                - Keep it, for sure – Nick said
                - That’s not what I meant, I mean, in our careers – Demi said
                - Quit for a few months – Nick said
                - What about your new album? – Demi said
                - You also have a new album. Person life first, always – Nick said
                - I know. We should have been more careful – Demi said
                - Weren’t you on the pill? – Nick asked
                - Yes, I just don’t know – Demi said
                - Why are you sad? – Nick asked and hugged her
                - It’s a lot to handle now. I need to be sure if I’m pregnant or not – Demi said
                - I know, but we can’t buy a test or people will assume it right away – Nick said
                - This is such a mess – Demi said
                - Look, we’ll have lunch and after that I can ask my mom to buy it or you can ask yours – Nick said
                - No, no, no, not in the plan, moms are not included right now – Demi said
                - So how will we do it? – Nick asked
                - I’ll ask Dallas to buy it for me – Demi said
                - Ok, after lunch we’ll pick it up – Nick said
                - I can’t, I have the day full of press – Demi said
                - We’ll pick it up at night and you can do the test in the morning what do you think? – Nick said
                - Sure – Demi said and went to the bathroom – Want to come with me to Ryan Seacrest today? – She shouted from the bathroom
                - Why not? – he said – can I jump in the bath with you? – He said
                - I don’t know why aren’t  you still here – She said and they took a bath

                After lunch they headed to Ryan’s for Demi’s interview
                - Alright alright, in the studio we have Demi Lovato – He said and people cheered – How are you? – He added
                - Great, how are you? – Demi said smiling
                - Fine, thanks. It’s always a pleasure having you around Demi – Ryan said – Even more when you have two for the price of one – Ryan said and Demi looked over at Nick smiling
                - I’m such a good person – Demi said giggling still looking at Nick
                - Why don’t he come over here too? – Ryan asked
                - He’s shy – Demi said
                - Come on Jonas – Ryan said and Nick sat in the same chair as Demi pulling her to his lap
                - How are you? – Nick said into the microphone
                - How is this couple, I saw some video of you guys saying you broke up, which by the way, was hilarious – Ryan said and Nick smirked
                - Yeah, it was to clear things up, people thought I cheated on him because I hugged Wilmer – Demi said
                - You and Wilmer are in good terms now? – Ryan asked
                - Yes, I can tell that we’re friends – Demi said
                - Ok, going to the music questions now, what inspired you to write two pieces? – Ryan asked
                - it’s more like a who – Demi said smiling big and holding Nick’s hand
                - I guess it was her boyfriend who wasn’t her boyfriend at the time – Nick said in a deep voice           
                - I had a crush on him – Demi said turning a bit red
                - Only a crush? Just listen to the song – Ryan said laughing
                - She had feelings for me, she wanted to be ‘the queen’ and I was her ‘king’ – Nick said quoting her music
                - You’re in the funny mode today Nicholas – Demi said
                - I forgot I’m the romantic Jonas, sorry – Nick said laughing
                - Now that you talk about the Jonas boys, your siblings are dating right? – Ryan asked
                - Yes, they are – Demi said smiling
                - You two came up with the idea? – Ryan asked
                - No, we can’t like, go and force them to have feelings for each other. They like had a crush on each other for a while, now that they’re older they’re giving love a try – Nick said
                - Quoting your own song Jonas? Nice move – Ryan said
                - It’s the truth – Nick said smiling a bit
                - and when can we expect your new album Demi? – Ryan asked
                - I still don’t know, I’m working on it – Demi said
                - Well, it was a pleasure having you two here today, hope we get to do some interviews soon – Ryan said and put some music in the background

It was meant to be - A Nemi Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن