chapter 19

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After the show Nick was waiting for Demi in the backstage. She got out of the stage and high fived everyone and went to where Nick was smiling with his arms open

- I hate you - Demi said gigling and hugged him

- Nice work Jonas - Mike said and high fived him

- Wait, you knew about this? - Demi said surprised

- We all knew about this sis - Dallas said putting an arm around Mike

- What the fu- How did you hide all this? - Demi asked

- I'm like James Bond baby - Nick said laughing and kissed her an intense kiss

- Ahm - Dallas said clearing her throat

- Sorry - Demi said laughing

- you guys want to have dinner somewhere? Dad said there is food around here - Dallas said

- There's a restaurant inside the building, want to go? - Mike said

- Sure let's go - Demi said and they headed to the restaurant

- What about our after party? - Nick whispered at Demi

- Later - Demi whispered back and they sat on the little table in front of Mike and Dallas

- It seemed like ages ago that we all had some time together - Dallas said

- Yeah, I can't even remember - Nick said. Then they ordered and started eating and talking about some of their old times

- Oh God remember when Mike had the longest hair, Oh my, I can't forget - Dallas said laughing

- I think it was longer than mine actually - Demi said laughing and rested her hand on Nick's inner thigh and he chocked a bit in his food

- It was not that funny Nicholas - Mike said laughing

- I just chocked a bit, I need water - Nick said and drank the glass of water in front of him

- So and you two how's the public life? - Dallas asked

- We haven't been out of the building yet - Nick said

- Yeah, and I think paparazzi are already waiting to snap some pics - Demi said and moved her hand a bit up almost touching Nick's crotch

- I bet they are, you are the new sensation Nemi - Dallas said laughing

- Nemi? It's not bad what you think Nick? - Demi said moving her hand

- I, hm, I- I think it's great - Nick said - Excuse me I need to go to the bathroom - He added

- Is he ok Demi? - Mike asked

- I think so - Demi said laughing a bit

- Why don't you go see if he's ok? I believe he needs a hand - Dallas said smirking

- Don't need to - Nick said sitting again and Demi glared at Dallas

- you girls are so weird - Mike said

- Welcome to the Lovato family - Demi said 

- It's not only the 'Lovato' ones, mom and Maddie are also weird, not to mention two of us fell for some Jonas brothers so - Dallas said 

- I hate those guys - Nick said laughing

- I hate them too - Demi said and placed her hand again on Nick's thigh

- Well, it's kinda time to go, what you guys say if we had a couples lunch tomorrow? Well we'll call you then, we need to go, bye - Nick said and grabbed Demi's hand to leave

- What about desert? - Mike said

- I think they'll have some desert - Dallas said

Nick closed the dressing room door and locked it. he quickly kissed Demi and grabbed her waist

- You need to learn there are limits Demi - Nick said and kissed her jaw

- What have I done? - Demi sarcastically asked

- Oh, nothing you did nothing - Nick said now kissing her neck

- You're the one doing things to me now, I feel the butterflies - Demi said and sat Nick on a chair and sat on his lap

- You think? - Nick said and took off her jacket

- I am sure - Demi said and could already feel his friend

- But you know what - Nick said with a raspy voice close to Demi's ear

- Yeah, what? - Demi said, he was driving her crazy

- Two can play this game - Nick said smirking and got up

- Are you serious? - Demi said dressing her jacket and adjusting her hair

- Yeah, I'm talking to your father that it's in the same building as you if you need me - Nick said - See you in a bit baby - He said and closed the door

- I hate you - Demi said laughing and got up to leave still adusting her jacket

- So did you got your desert ? - Dallas asked

- What are you talking about? - Demi asked

- Demi, I'm not dumb, I know why Nick wanted to leave so bad. So you did it with mom and dad a few walls away? - Dallas asked

- No, almost but no - Demi said

- Why? - Dallas asked

- Because he only wanted to tease me - Demi said - And why am I talking about my sex life with you? - Demi asked laughing

- i almost saw you doing it, so it's not that weird - Dallas said

- Bad time huh? - Dianna said 

- For how long have you been there? - Demi asked

- Since the 'Why am I talking about my sex life with you' - Dianna said - And next time I'll call before heading to your house, I don't want to have the same vision as your sister - Dianna said laughing

- To clear things up, only thing Dallas saw was a kiss - Demi said smiling a bit

- ok, you were half naked in bed kissing him, come on - Dallas said

- Dallas, enough. It was only a kiss we weren't even dating - Demi said

- Too much information to me girls - Dianna said laughing

- But you are dating him now so, I still think you were hav- Dallas started

- No, I wans't and this conversation is being more awkward than that time mom told me what was a surfboard - Demi said 

- Hm, what's a surfboard? - Mike asked a bit confused

- It's a sex position - Dianna, Dallas and Demi all said at the same time

- Do you guys know where is dad? - Demi asked

- He left like ten minutes ago with Nick - Dianna said

- So, where's Nick? He said he would be talking to him when we were- Demi started - after dinner - She ended 

- Someone doesn't know where the desert is - Dallas said laughing

- Shut up Dallas - Demi said laughing - Well, I'm leaving, I'll call you tomorrow - Demi said to Dallas and kissed them all goodbye and headed to her house

When she reached her house she saw that Nick's car was not there but even knowing that she shouted his name a few times when she unlocked the door. No sing of him. She texted him "where are you?"

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