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Avalynn's P.O.V
"What? Why???" I asked her. I was so confused.

"Do you want Lewis back or not?!" She snapped st me. I stood in shock.

"Wait... I thought it..."

"JUST PINCH YOURSELF!!" She yelled, and so I did.....

"Avalynn... Avalynn.... are you okay?" I heard doctors everywhere, but I wasn't the one in the waiting room, I was in the hospital bed! What happened? Is Lewis okay? WHAT ON EARTH!

I can't open my eyes! Then I hear a doctor go out of the waiting room, he must be going to see another patient.

Then I hear......

"Avalynn. I'm here.... it's Lewis!"

I finally got the strength to open my eyes! When I open them, I see his crying face, his hand was holding mine, I can't believe it! He's not dead!! I WAS DREAMING!!!

"Lewis!" I started crying.

"Oh Avalynn! What happened?"

"I don't know, I remember... the fire... you getting burned! I thought I lost you Lewis!" I sobbed.

"Wh-what?? Fire?" His face looked confused and sad st the same time.

"Oh, well I guess it was all just a bad dream. Seriously! I thought you were gone, Lewis!" Then he said something that shocked me...

"I thought I lost you!" I was confused. We both thought we lost the other? What was going on?!

"The doctors said you slipped running back to the hotel, I woke up to the phone call saying that you damaged your head really hard! You were in the hospital! I immediately drove to the hospital where you were at! You looked in so much pain! I couldn't believe it! I let you get hurt! I'm so sorry! I..."

"Lewis... it felt so real... the fire, I could feel it on my face, I saw your burned body! I remember sitting next to you in the ambulance! Being next to you when... I thought I lost you! I thought you died, Lewis! I thought Jackson pushed you into the fire! I'm so sorry..." that made me wonder. Where is Jackson?

"Don't worry, love, Jackson is in Jail for physical abuse."

"Really? So..."

"Yes, Avalynn. I'm here, you don't have to worry."

"I love you Lewis!" I cried.

He looked into my eyes, and whispered, "I love you too, Avalynn!"

Two years later: third person P.O.V.
It has been two years since all this happened. Lewis had been around the world touring for two very successful albums and Avalynn had made a career out of modeling. The two had still loved each other through everything. Now it was time for Lewis to pick it up a level.

"This place is beautiful, Lewis!" Avalynn was blushing like crazy.

"Not as beautiful as you." Lewis blushed as well, then he grabbed Avalynn's hand. Then.....

"Avalynn, we have been together for two years, stronger than ever, and I wanna change us..... from boyfriend and girlfriend to...  husband and wife... " then he got down on one kneel

"Avalynn Hanson, will you marry me? Will you spend the rest of your life with me? Till death do we part?" Avalynn started crying,

"Oh Lewis! Yes, yes, A THOUSAND TIMES YES!!" She cried, and snuggled into Lewis' arms, Lewis placed the ring on her finger. Then he kissed her lips. They were happy together.

Despite all the trouble Jackson had caused in the past. Lewis and Avalynn were free. Free to be together, Jackson was behind bars for a long time, and they both knew that.

Sooner than later. Avalynn and Lewis had four  adorable children. Two boys and two girls. Lily, Audrey, Lucas, and Asher. They even got a dog named Jinx. They were happy forever!

The end.

Pulled The Rug: A Lewis Capaldi Fanfic [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now