Chapter 8. Playing With Fire.

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Avalynn's P.O.V
I walked back into the hotel room, Lewis was sitting up watching Game Of Thrones, isn't he supposed to be asleep?!

"Lewis, what are you doing? You're supposed to be in bed."

"I'm fine, you don't need to be a mini mom."

I laughed a little, grabbed the thermometer again, and check his temperature again. 99.5

"Well it's better, but not good enough, you still need rest, Lewis."

"What I need is pizza!"

This man infuriates me sometimes

"If you go to sleep, I'll sleep with you for a little bit."

"Okay fiiiiiine!" Jeez, this man was being such a little kid!

We both climbed into bed.

"Goodnight. Lewis," I say,

"Goodnight, my love." He says back. And we fall asleep

I just woke up. Uuuugh I hate that feeling, the feeling where you feel dreary because you just got up, and you want to get back to bed, but you can't. Yeah, that feeling.

I got up and made myself something to eat. Lewis was still asleep. I decided to take a walk, I needed some fresh air. As I walked out of the house, I heard someone shout my name. It was my old childhood friend! What was she doing here?

"Avalynn!! Hi how are you?!"

'Lily?? Is that you?" I asked.

"Yeah, how have you been? It's been awhile!"

"I know! And I'm good!"

"I guess you got the guy."

I was confused.

"What do you mean?"

I mean Lewis Capaldi!! It's all over the internet! You and him are dating!"

I felt my stomach drop.

"Uhmmmmm" I knew I had to get back to the hotel.

"How is Lewis?' She asked.

"I'll text you later okay? I gotta get back to the hotel!"

I handed her my number. She handed me hers and I ran for the hotel. I slipped once, but I got up. I had to save Lewis! If Jackson knows where we are, I'm in huge trouble!

I arrived at the hotel... and saw a horrific sight!,..

Lewis's P.O.V.
I woke up, Avalynn wasn't beside me, but that wasn't the problem. I smelled smoke!

"Avalynn!!!" I cried as loud as I could. If she was in the building. I swear to god!...

I got up out of bed, it was difficult to walk at first, but I managed to get to the window. I saw Avalynn in front of the hotel.

"ITS OKAY! I'M FINE, AVALYNN GET OUT OF HERE!!" I shouted from the window.

I looked down at her, she stayed still, her eyes the size of golf balls. I had to get out of here! The hotel was falling apart! I heard the door handle clicking open, was it the fireman?!?!

It was Jackson!

"I told you, not to hang out with Avalynn! I warned you!"

What?!?! Was this his doing? IS HE TRYING TO KILL ME?!?!

"Listen. Do whatever you want to me, just please don't hurt Avalynn ever again! She deserves better than an abuser!" Jackson looked so mad, but I kept talking...

"Bring her flowers every day! Do everything you can to make her happy! Because that's what good boyfriends do!..."

I felt his leather gloves grip onto me as I shouted.


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