Chapter 10. Then You Pulled The Rug

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Avalynn's P.O.V
I can't believe it! I just can't! Jackson... he pushed Lewis into a burning fire and now.......

I was still sobbing next to Lewis' cold body. I held his head next to my shoulder, lifting his body close to mine.

"I'm... so sorry Avalynn..." I heard the doctor say, still gripping on tightly to Lewis' hands, I cried harder.

"It's not fair! All he wanted to do was help people! Why did he have to... leave us!! Why did J...Jackson have to...."

"Who's Jackson?..."

"My abusive ex boyfriend, he... he pushed Lewis into the!" I could barely feel my face, my tears were that strong.

"I'll report him to the police... thank you, miss Hanson."

"Can't you do anything? You know... to... bring him back? Anything at all! I'll sacrifice anything!'

'There's nothing we can do. Even if there was. You'd have to sacrifice everything! His entire body is burned!"

"Please! I'll give you all my money! I'll give you anything! Just bring him back!!! Please...."

"I'm sorry it doesn't work that way..."

I have had enough of Jackson! He thinks he can kill the love of my life and get away with it?!?

I ran out of the hospital faster than I had ever run before. I ran straight to the train station, bought a ticket, and went back home to Whitburn. I couldn't believe it! I didn't want to believe it!

I arrived at my house, Lewis' brothers, were there!

"What are you... doing here?..." I cried.

"Lewis wanted us to give this to you." Warren handed me a note, I opened it...

"The lyrics to 'Someone You Loved'?!" I quiver.

"Flip the note over...." Aiden was crying slightly.

I read it aloud:

"Dear Avalynn,

I know it says I wrote this song about My grandma, I actually wrote it about you. I didn't want to say because I thought it would freak you out. I know you probably forgotten all about when we first met, but I still remember, and I'll never forget.

I love you Avalynn, your brown hair, your posh voice your adorable personality, I love it all. I love you, Avalynn! You know, you were the one thing keeping me going in the music industry. Thank you.

I hope you didn't forget me, cause you never left my mind.

XOXO, Lewis Capaldi."


'He didn't just remember you, he thought about you!"

I couldn't believe it! After all these years, he... he loved me this whole time??? I felt the ground collapse before me. I hadn't even said "I love you" to him!

"I'm so sorry Lewis!!!" I shouted, but I knew it wasn't going to go any good. Lewis is gone, and I feel it's all my fault!

It is all my fault!

I ran out of the house, bawling. I tripped and fell to my knees.

"LEWIS WHYYYYYYYYYY???" I screamed. Someone ran up to me. It was a little girl. Looked about eight.

"Are you... Avalynn Hanson?" She asked

"Yes, and if you wanna know where Lewis is..."

"I have something to ask you..."

"Ask away, but if it's about Lewis I...." she didn't let me finish my sentence. She said four words... Four simple words...

"Can you pinch yourself?...."

Pulled The Rug: A Lewis Capaldi Fanfic [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now