Chapter 3. "Who Is Lewis Capaldi?"

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(Ten years later)

Avalynn's P.O.V.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY AVALYNN" Mallory and Vanessa chanted. It was my 20th birthday and I was celebrating it with my friends.

"You still haven't decided what you're gonna do with your life! What are you going to do?" Vanessa asked.

"I don't know yet. I'm already in college." I said back. I really didn't know what I wanted to do with my life.

I mean I am in college, but that's it. I'm not sure at all.

We sat at the dining table and ate cake and ice cream. Mallory was humming to a song I have never heard before. She started singing as what I think was the chorus flowed in.

"Now the day bleeds into nightfall,
and you're not here to get me through it all.
I let my guard down, and then you pulled the rug..."

"Hey Mallory? Whatcha singing?" I asked.

"Oh. It's a song called Someone You Loved and it's by an artist named Lewis Capaldi!"

Vanessa squealed, I was confused, I had no idea who this person was and why my friends were fangirling. Personally, I like Ed Sheeran, but they can do what they want.

But wait...

Lewis Capaldi. Lewis Capaldi. Lewis Capaldi. I repeated that name in my head about a thousand times. I swear I've heard that name... but where?

"I've never heard of him." I said. Mallory dropped her fork. Vanessa choked on her cake.

"You've never heard of Lewis Capaldi???" Vanessa freaked out.

"Ummm no....."

"ARE YOU LIVING UNDER A ROCK?!?!" Mallory yelled. I grew silent,

"No I've just never heard of him...."

"HOMEWORK TIME!!" Vanessa squealed. "Someone You Loved, Bruises, Tough, Lost On You, Fade, Grace, Mercy, and Something Borrowed. YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO ALL OF THEM!"

These girls are unbelievable.

"Okay, maybe later, but let's have fun here first." I said,

We ate and had fun for awhile, then I decided to take a little walk. I walked around the block. I saw Jackson Jones, trying to rap Eminem on the side of the street.

Before I got the chance to walk away, he saw me.

"Avalynn hunny! Wait! I want to sing you a song I wrote for you!" He called out. Is this guy serious?

Before I could say anything, he started singing...

"Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes.

But it's the only thing..."

"You didn't write that!" I cried out. "Ed Sheeran did! Everyone knows that!"

"Pssh, no?..." he was obviously lying.

"You know I'm an Ed Sheeran fan, right?" I said to him.

He hopped down from the stand he was standing on, and pulled me close to him. I pulled away.

"Jackson get off!" I cried out.

"Come on! I just want to give my baby girl a kiss." He whimpered like a baby.

Uuuuugh he drives my CRAZY!! Crazy I tell you!

"Come to my place tonight. I can give you a really nice birthday present." He winked at me.

"No thanks. I want to spend my birthday with my friends and not doing.... that."

"Okay then, tomorrow we hang out then."

Uuuugh he drives me NUTS I tell you, NUTS!!

"Uuuugh fine!" I said, and walked away.

As I arrived back home, it was about time for me to go to bed. As I walked around my room, it hit me again.

Lewis Capaldi, Lewis Capaldi, Lewis Capaldi. I repeated the name in my head several times. Where have I heard that name?

I decided it was best if I looked around for clues. What I found changed everything!!

I scurried around in my junk drawer for three hours searching... Until I found an envelope entitled "Avalynn: aged 9, read when 18."

Well I'm twenty as of today.

I opened the envelope and saw a drawing. A drawing I probably drew ten years ago. It was of me and a kid with long wavy hair in front. Kinda like the old Justin Bieber. On the back read a note. I read it

Dear future Avalynn

Today is December 7th 2008. I just got screamed at by my parents just yesterday. They said I can't see the love of my life ever again! I am so sad!! So I told them when I turn 18 and grow up, I will find him and we will get married! Just in case you forget. His name is LEWIS CAPALDI!!

From. Your past self

I was ready to start crying. I remember it all now! The mall, his house, his beautiful guitar playing! All of it!!

I decided to call Mallory

"Uuuugh, Avalynn it's two in the morning! What do you want?!?!" She groaned through the phone.

"Tell me everything you know about Lewis Capaldi!"

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