Chapter 1. When We Were Younger

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Avalynn's P.O.V.
I hate going to the mall with my sister! I'm forced to go every other day with her because my parents both work full time and we can't afford a babysitter. I'm nine years old! I can watch myself! But all my boredom faded away when I saw… him!

"Uuuugh Mia, Do we have to go to the mall again??" I whined. I was sitting in the backseat of her car, pouting. She was too busy talking with her boyfriend Bryce Wilson, to even pay attention to the road! Man! She should be arrested!

Bryce is all she talks about. If she wasn't with him, she was talking to him. If she wasn't talking to him, she was talking about him! It drives me nuts! They mostly blabber on about romantic gross stuff. Like their favorite movie, it's called The Notebook but that's all I know about it. I've heard it playing in Mia's bedroom when Bryce is over here while they smack lips. Eww so gross!

It takes an hour to drive to the mall from our house, but it feels like an eternity. My sister is blasting Rhianna on her iPod, and it gets so old! Don't get me wrong. I like Rhianna as much as the next person, but when Umbrella is always blasted full volume in my sister's bedroom, it gets a little old.

We are finally at the mall. I try to pull my arm away from Mia, but she has a tight grip. She wants me in her sight line… until she finds Bryce and leaves me in the kids' area to play. The kids' area is mainly for kids ages 3-7, so I tend to get really bored really easily.

It's been a whole hour and I have nothing to do! The ball pit has a limit of ages 3-8, and I just turned nine two weeks ago. (My sister didn't even wish me a happy birthday, but I'm used to it.) So i couldn't go into the ball pit. There was a bouncy castle for three-year-olds, and then there was a kiddy little train that rode around the kids area, but it was for babies. 

I decided I was too bored to stay. I needed to bust out of here, I tiptoed my way out of that hellhole. Finally freedom! I walked around the mall for a little bit. I saw toy shops, fast food restaurants, and clothing stores, but what caught my eye the most was a large crowd surrounding some kind of stage area. I looked around for a place to squeeze in and see what was going on and who (or what) was performing. I managed to squeeze into the third row and what I saw next was what made me completely fall in love.

"Not sleeping at night.
But I'm going from bar to bar.
Why can't we just rewind?
Can't we just rewind?
Can't we just rewind?"

It was the most beautiful singing I've ever heard, and I've heard a lot of singing voices in my time. 

"AVALYNN WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Uuuuugh my sister found me. I just stood looking up, I saw the face of a gorgeous boy, (looked about eleven years old) 

"COME ON! WE'RE GOING HOME! NOW!!" She forcefully grabbed my arm and pulled me away. As I was dragged out of that area, I heard a name I will never forget… "Lewis Capaldi!"

As we arrived home, my sister flung me to the couch and plopped me down on my seat. She started yelling.

"YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN HURT! OR WORSE, I COULD'VE GOTTEN ARRESTED!!" She blurted. I wanted to say, "you deserved it" but I kept my mouth shut. I didn't want to anger the beast any more than I already have.

"Sorry Mia. but I was just so bored so I left the kids' area and I found a crowd of people so I looked up and I saw this boy singing and…" of course she didn't let me finish my sentence before yelling again. 

"BOY??? YOU LIKE SOMEONE???" She screamed louder. I was so annoyed, I felt like punching something! But all I did was blush hard, to the point where she noticed. 

"Yeah… I think his name is Lewis Capaldi!" That name made my heart flutter, I couldn't stop thinking about him. Not even for a second.

"Just… go upstairs to your room. Next time you wander off, you are in serious trouble." She had calmed down enough to talk instead of yell, that was good. 

I ran upstairs to my room and doodled, after ten minutes of doodling. I found myself drawing a picture of me and Lewis Capaldi. We were holding hands in the picture, and hearts were surrounding our names. Even though I have yet to still talk to Lewis, he was the man of my dreams. 

It was the next day, and luckily, my parents had to work today, so Mia was able to take me to the mall. I was so happy when she said yes. She never says yes to anything I ask, it's always about her and her stupid little boyfriend, but I'm used to it.
We arrive at the mall and Mia goes with her boyfriend once again, I looked around, I saw a kid walk by. He was on his own and he looked about Lewis' age, I walked up to him and asked him. 

"Hey, do you know who Lewis Capaldi is?" I asked him, he looked up from his video game and stared at me. Like I was a pot of gold he had found at the end of the rainbow,

"Who? That nerd playing here yesterday? He lives in Whitburn." Wait… Whitburn… I LIVE IN WHITBURN!!! I was stoked! He lives in the same town as me?!

"What street?" I asked, he looked at me with narrow eyes. He handed me a piece of paper. 

"Lewis' address, but before you go. My name is Jackson Jones, hit me up if you want to…" he was about to say "date" but I wasn't interested.

"Thanks, Jackson. I'm good though." I ran back to the kids' area before my sister got back, in fact, right before she got back, 

We drove home, I looked at the address and realized… that was the house two houses down from mine!!! I knew I had to make a move, but how should I go about it? I really want to see him, but I knew my parents weren't going to let me go to Lewis' house, neither would Mia… but I have an idea.

"So what are your plans for this evening, girls?" My mother asked when we were sitting down to eat. I took a bite of my Chicken and dumpling soup and answered their question with my mouth full.

"Just doodling, and maybe go outside and play." I was obviously lying, I needed a cover for what I was really going to do. 

"Remember Avi, don't talk with your mouth full." My mom said as I gave her a thumbs up. 

"What about you, Mia, what are your plans for tonight?"
My dad asked her. 

"Talking with Bryce all night long again." She said, I rolled my eyes, mom dropped her fork in annoyance, my dad stepped in finally.

"No,  not all night, you get an hour limit." He scolded, now it was Mia's turn to roll her eyes and drop her fork in annoyance.

"Come on! really dad?" She whined, my dad got annoyed, he is really quick to anger. Just like Mia. Except, he never forces me to the mall and leaves me stranded in the kids' area. (I still haven't told my parents about how she brings me to the mall all the time. Should I tell them? I'll tell them after I'm done seeing Lewis.) 

Dinner is done with. and I'm finally ready for action. I decide that I'm going to ask to play outside, play for five minutes and then sneak around the back fence. I was proud of my plan.

I walked outside, and I played for about ten minutes, then, when the cost was clear, I ran off to Lewis' house. I looked at the address again and I found the house, I felt nervous butterflies in my stomach. What if he isn't nicE. What if he is mean?

I knock on the door and I see a slightly older boy, probably a little younger than Mia, open the door. 
"Are you lost?" He asked, 
"No, I'm looking for Lewis Capaldi, does he live here?" I asked back. Then I heard some guitar playing out by their garage,
"Yeah, he lives here, I'll get him if you'd like." He said. 
"Let him finish his song, then could you get him?" I  asked. 
"Sure, why do you want to talk to him anyways?" He asked. I told him everything. About how I saw him performing, but not that I had a crush on him. I want ready to speak that out yet, 
 "Sounds like Lewis is done, I'll go get him, okay?" Said the boy. I thanked him and he left for the garage. I sure hope Lewis is as nice as his singing voice was.

Pulled The Rug: A Lewis Capaldi Fanfic [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now