Chapter 2. The One Who Let Him Get Away

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I was just minding my own business, playing my guitar, when my older brother, Aiden, told me that someone was at the door to see me. Who was this person, and why did they want to see me?

I walked out of the garage and out to the front door, I saw a little girl, looked about nine, she had wavy brown hair and freckles... and she was beautiful!

"Hey, may I help you?" I asked her. She started blushing.

"Hi... my name is Avalynn Hanson,  and I heard you singing at the mall yesterday. It was beautiful." She said, then I started blushing.

"Thank you, so much. You don't understand how much that means to me." I said to her. She giggled, and I blushed. Wait... do I... like her??"

"So how old are you?" She asked.

"Eleven, what about you?" I asked her.

"I'm nine." She said, I didn't care how young she was. I knew she was the right one for me.

"Do you want to come inside?" I asked. Her face lit up and she nodded. I took her inside. I showed her around, she seemed to really like my house.

"Do you want to see where I play music?" I asked.

"Yes yes yes!" She squealed. She was a little bundle of energy, and it made me laugh, I took her to my garage and she saw my guitar. Her face lit up. I walked over to it and started playing a song, I started playing Mr. Brightsice by The Killers.

"So, when do you have to leave? I'm only curious." I asked her,

"Oh. My parents don't even know I'm here, they probably still think I'm in their backyard..." she continued. All of a sudden I heard another knock at my door. I went to go answer it. Two grown ups, and a teenager. They looked like Avalynn's family.

"Have you seen my daughter, Avalynn Hanson?" They asked, right when I was about to say something, Avalynn peeked her head over the wall to see what was going on,

"AVALYNN!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING AT THIS RANDOM STRANGER'S HOUSE???" The man yelled. I'm guessing he was her father.

"Avalynn... I think you should go with your parents..."

Avalynn's P.O.V
I knew I was in for some deep trouble. It wasn't my fault I met him at the mall and fell in love, technically it was Mia's! She's the one who took me to the mall in the first place, 
"We're going home. NOW!!!!!" My dad shouted and pulled me away from Lewis. 
"Bye Lewis…" I said, as I was dragged all the way home. I got yelled at by my father a lot. 
"I'm sorry dad, but…" I tried to explain 
"No buts, little girl! You could've gotten hurt!" My mom scolded. She was a little nicer about it then my dad. "Where did you meet this boy anyways? School?" My mom asked firmly.
"The Edinburgh mall. Mia took me yesterday, and today while babysitting me. It wasn't like I wanted to go." I told her.
"WHAT?!?!?!" My dad screamed. "WHAT WAS SHE DOING WHILE SHE WAS THERE??" This is a perfect time to tell them everything. 
"Hanging out with Bryce and leaving me in the kids' area." I said, my dad grew furious. Just what I needed, 
"Wait, honey we need to punish Avalynn first." My mom said. Uuuuugh I hate being grounded. 
"Mom! Why? I didn't do anything wrong!" I whined. 
"Well sorry if you don't know what love is!" I shouted at my dad. He grew silent and he looked at me with a face fuming red.
"Listen to me young lady, you will never EVER make contact with that boy ever again is that clear?!?!?!" He yelled. I felt my heart shatter, never see Lewis again?? I couldn't help but yell three words I've never ever yelled.
"I HATE YOU!!!" I screamed, tears falling down my cheeks as I ran up to my room crying. Lewis was the love of my life and I couldn't just let him go like that!
I sobbed up in my room for a few hours, then my mom walked into the room. 
"Avi? You okay?" She asked. They call me Avi   when I'm upset.
"Why would you let Dad say that? Lewis… he is the love of my life!" I cried more.
"Well when you run off to a random house without asking permission, there will be consequences." My mom said. Oh my lord! She doesn't understand love!
"You know what? When I turn eighteen and become a grown up like you, I will find Lewis! And we will get married!!!!!" I screamed at her, then ran out of the house, crying. I ran as fast as I could, as I ran hy Lewis' house, he looked out his window, yelling my name. Then he tossed something at me. It was a guitar pick with a heart on it. I gave him a thumbs up and ran for it, I had to get away from my parents! I hate them, I just hate them!!

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