~~chapter 2~~ I guess this is goodbye.

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**A/N Hey guys sorry for the typo in the last chapter I didn't notice till just now when I was reading back through It. I hope you guys like this story **

the drive to kayelees house was awkward. I was not looking forward to this conversation. How do I show up to my best friends house out of the blue with Austin Carlile and tell her we will never see each other again.

Honestly I didn't want to have this conversation.

When we pulled up to the house I got out and went and knocked on the door.

Kayelee's mom answered.

"Hey jessi! What are you doing here?" She said enthusiastically

"Hey. I need to talk to Kayelee. " I said bluntly

She turned and called for Kayelee and Kayelee came running to the door

"Jessi what's up? You never come over unless There's something wrong. "

"Kay... I'm moving.. my mom tracked down my dad and they decided I needed to go live with him in California. I'm leaving today. " I meant to spread that out a little but it all came out really fast.

She stared at me her mouth wide open and tears streaming down her face.

"I can't believe I'm loosing my best friend." She paused

"Kaye... " she cut me off.

"I can't believe you're fucking leaving me!" She was now more pissed off than devastated.

I was confused.

"It's Austin carlile " I don't know Why I said it and I honestly wish I hadn't but I guess I was trying to avoid a fight considering we would never see each other again.

"Huh?" She stopped

I sighed and grabbed her wrist pulling her to the drivers side of Austin's car as he rolled down the window

"My dad... he's Austin carlile. "

She looked to Austin and then to Me.

"I can't believe you."

She was still mad at me.

"Don't be mad at me Kay. It's not like I planned for this to happen it just did! You won't believe how extremely overwhelmed I am right now."

"You don't understand Jess. You are leaving me alone at the worst time possible. What am I gonna do after my only friend leaves me?" She paused and took a breath

"Don't act like you aren't ecstatic. You finally Get a dad you get to go live with Austin fucking carlile. You want to leave and Dont lie to me"


"No.. don't call me that.. only my friends can call me kay.. it was nice knowing you.. have fun with your new life" she said turning and walking away

"You have my number if you ever want to talk" I yelled to her

She didn't reply but I knew she heard it. I walked to the passenger side of the car and got in slamming the door shut. I felt his eyes burning into my skin as tears crept out the corner of my eyes while I stared out the window.

"Jessi... "

"No. I don't wanna talk about I don't wanna talk about anything can we just leave."

He sat there for a second thinking about what to say then turned forward and started the car putting it in reverse and backing out of the driveway and headed to the airport.

Maybe Kayelee was right. Maybe I was happy.... I did want to leave.

Am I horrible person for saying that?

am i gonna die daddy?  (austin carlile fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now