~~chapter 26~~

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**Austins p.o.v.**

She's gone.

I repeated in my head.

She's gone.

"Austin" Pamela called out.

I tried to answer but something was preventing me.

"Austin, babe" she continued.

"Austin wake up." I heard.

"Austin calm down wake up!" She yelled as she shook me.

I opened my eyes to see I was lying in my bed next to Pamela.

"Jessi." I mumbled as I jumped from the Bed and Ran down the Hall to Jessi's room.

I shot the door open and turned the light on.

"Jessi!" I screamed.

"What?" She groaned in a tired annoyed voice as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Austin what's wrong?" Pamela said as she ran up behind me.

"Oh Jessi you're okay!" I yelled as I ran and pulled her into a hug.

"Uhm yeah why wouldn't I be?" She questioned.

"I had this horrible dream that you went missing... I... I thought it was real." I spat thinking over the dream

"Dad I'm fine, It was just a dream." she said looking up at me.

I smiled.

"I know honey" I said as I kissed her forehead.

I stood from the bed and went and locked her balcony doors.

"I want these doors locked at night okay?"

"Okay Dad, now go to bed! I'm tired!" She laughed throwing the blanket over her head.

I laughed and pulled it off.

"sorry to wake you Jess, Goodnight." I said kissing her head and leaving her room.

"Are you okay honey?" Pam said as we returned to our bedroom.

"Yes, It just freaked me out." I said flopping back onto the bed.

"It was all just a dream. Now take a breath and go back to sleep." She said turning the light off and crawling into bed next to me.

Before I knew it I was asleep.

*9:00 am the next morning*

I opened my eyes to find Pamela wasn't in bed.

I decided to take a shower and get dressed.

I took a quick shower and put on some jeans and a white T-shirt.

I walked downstairs to find Jessi and Pamela Sitting at the bar talking about something.

"Good morning girl's." I called as I walked into the kitchen.

Pamela was dressed in some blue jeans and a white flowered tank top.

Jessi was wearing white jeans and a sweatshirt.

"Morning!" They both called.

"How are my two favorite girls today?" I questioned as I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and stood across the bar from them.

"Great!" Jessi said ecstatically.

I laughed at how happily she said it.

It made me incredibly happy to have my little girl again.

"what do you guys want to do today?" I asked.

Jessi and Pam looked at each other and laughed.

"Well we we're thinking we could go do a little shopping then buy a bunch of scary movies and junk food and have a movie night with the boys tonight."

"Sounds great to me!" I called.

"Jessi you gonna invite Justin?" Pamela said nudging her.

"Who's Justin?" I asked looking towards Jessi.

She smiled a bit.

"Remember that brother and sister I met on the first show of the tour? "

"Oh. Is he your boyfriend?"


"She wishes though" Pamela interjected.

"PAM!" Jessi yelled as her face turned bright red and me and Pam laughed.

"Dad promise you won't embarrass me?" She questioned looking up to me with her puppy dog eyes.

"Oh I promise but I don't think I'm the one you got to worry about." I said gesturing to Pamela who just smiled at Jessi.

"Pam." Jessi said looking at her.

"Oh I promise!" Pam said and laughed.

I just smiled.

It was so nice to have things back to normal again.

I just stood and watched as Jessi smiled and laughed.

"Alright well if we do go, Jessi you do need to take it easy, you're not supposed to be leaving the house at all but I think it'll be good for you to get out of the house for a little bit."

"I know." She nodded.

"Alright let's go!" I yelled heading up the stairs to put some shoes on.

I came back downstairs to the girls standing by the door waiting for me.

"Geez you're slow!" Jessi laughed out.

I just laughed as we all headed out the door and got in the car.

am i gonna die daddy?  (austin carlile fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now