~~chapter 18~~

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"My baby..." Austin whispered drawing my attention.

I felt so bad for him.

I went and sat next to the bed and grabbed his hand.

"Austin everything will be okay. I've told you this before she's a very strong girl. She won't give up without a fight."

He gave me a weak smile.

"Thank you Alan. Thank you for being there for me and Jessi. It means so much."

"Anytime Dude. You're my best friend. I'll be here till the end." I smiled at him.

"Sorry to interrupt boys but Mr.Ashby I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. Austin needs to get some rest."

"Alright. Austin I'll be back later. Don't worry things will get better." I said as I stood and walked from the room saying goodbye to Austin.

I walked back out to the waiting room where I was met by four heavy gazes.

Phil, Tino, Aaron and, Pamela.

Oh shit I forgot all about Pamela, Austin's girlfriend.

She had a worried sickly look on her face.

"Pam! " I called and she shot me a teary eyed glare.

"Alan Ashby I can't believe you lost my boyfriend and his daughter and didn't even think to call me." She said hitting my chest obviously terrified.

I pulled her into a hug as she sobbed into my chest.

"Shh. Pam he's okay." She pulled away and looked at me.

"Really?" She sniffled.

"Yeah. He just has hypothermia. But he's gonna be okay."

"That's good. What about Jessi?"

I sighed.

"The doctor said it's doubtful she'll live through the night." I paused as the guys gathered around to hear what I had to say.

"When she ran away from the hospital the stress caused her to have a heart attack, she laid in that field for hours, dying. They took her in to have the open heart surgery she needed and he said it's very unlikely she will live and if miraculously she survives she will most likely have brain damage and she won't be the same." I sighed and all the guys looked at me with horrified expressions.

"I can't believe this." Aaron whispered as he sat down.

Pam was looking around nearly in tears.

Tino and Phil gasped and hid their faces in their hands.

"Austin was so excited for me to meet her. He said she had a great personality. But what will she be like if she lives?"

"I have No idea pam."

"Guys you do realize if she doesn't make It and Austin does he's gonna go through a whole depressed phase and then he's gonna want to party and drink every night and were gonna have to babysit him till he's better." Tino said.

We all nodded.

"My poor baby." Pam said taking a seat next to Aaron.

We all sat down.

We all shared stories about Austin and the few stories we had about Jessi in the month and a half we've known her.

We talked about her personality and how beautiful she was.

Pam sat and listened smiling.

Jessi was a spitting image of Austin except she's more gorgeous.

The last image I had of her was her face when I held her in my arm's in the woods hours ago.

The cold, pale, lifeless version of that beautiful little girl.

We've only known her for a month and a half but boy did she make a huge impact on our lives.

Things wouldn't be the same without her.

At least not for a very long time.

"Guys don't you think we should post to our social media accounts letting them know Austin is okay? I mean the fans are probably freaking out by now."

We all nodded in agreement.

I pulled out my phone as well as the rest of the guys.

@ AlanAshby - Hey everybody. You've all heard about Austin and Jessi. We found them. Austin's Okay. Jessi isn't doing so well. we'll Keep you updated

@ youngfuego - In the hospital. Austin's alive and breathing. He's got hypothermia. He'll be okay. Keep you posted!

@ aaronpauley - guys Austin's okay. Jessi on the other hand might not make it. Sorry to cancel the tour. Hope you guys understand.

@ philipmanansala - saddens me to say Austin's daughter Jessi might not Make it, But Austin will. Sorry about tour. Dates will be rescheduled as Austin recovers.

The fans started blowing up our phones afterwards.

So many are so worried about Jessi and Austin.

They were almost as scared as we were.

I put my phone away. I couldn't stand to see them freak out like that. It was just stressing me out more.

We waited for another hour when someone walked up to us.

"Are you guys with Jessi carlile?" Said a doctor we didn't recognize motioning to all five of us sitting there.

"Yes." I said standing up.

"She's awake."

am i gonna die daddy?  (austin carlile fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now