~~chapter 15~~

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**Alan's p.o.v**

We drove for what seemed like eternity. The car was silent except for Phil calling out directions that were leading us towards Austin and hopefully Jessi.

I glanced over to see Aaron sitting with his face in his hands. He's Never been good dealing with all this stress.

"Alan?" Tino asked snapping me out of my thoughts.


"Were gonna have to call off the rest of the tour aren't we."

Shit. I forgot about tour. Fuck.

Were gonna loose so much if we cancel. We're gonna let down so many people.
But at this point we don't have a choice.

My priority is to get Austin and Jessi Home safe.

"I think so Tino. I mean it depends on how fast Austin and Jessi recover when we find them."

"Yeah, their health is our concern but I'll call our manager and let him know."

"Uhm Alan we got a problem... "

"Oh God Phil that's not what I want to hear right now..." I sighed and took a breath.

I waited for him to say something but all I got was silence

"What is it Phil."

"Well we lost Austins signal..."

"What!!" I said and slammed on the breaks.

"What the fuck do you mean we lost his signal Phil?"

I said looking in the rear view mirror at him.

"It's gone. I don't know what happen. The last place it was broadcasting was in the field up on 32nd and Bellevue. And then it just disappeared..." he stopped.

We all just sat looking around at each other wondering what to do.

Phil chimed in "his phones dead..." he stopped again.

"Head to the field where he was last tracked and we'll go from there."

"But what if he's not there Phil."

"Alan we might as well try. What if he's still there and he really needs our help but his phone is dead."

I sighed and took off again.

We drove for about about an hour watching street signs.








"Alan we are on 33rd street we are supposed to be on 32nd!" Aaron said all snappy.

"I know Aaron, 33rd street will lead us to Bellevue and then we'll follow Bellevue till we find the field on the corner of 32nd."

"Oh... are you sure?"

"Yes Aaron I have been down here a lot more than you have."

You could tell we were all worn out, exhausted, and scared.

The look in Tinos eye's was pure terror not knowing if we would find our best friend and what was gonna happen to of mice & men if we didn't.

What would become of our careers.

Aaron was obviously worried about Jessi.

We all were yes. But Aaron... God He's been stressing out all day.


I don't know what Phil was thinking.

He was tired. He wants everything to be okay and for things to go back to normal.

Like us all.

I looked at the clock.

It was Now 9:36

We've been looking for Jessi since 5:30 this morning..

And somehow we lost Austin in the process.

It was dark and our chances to find her were becoming slim.

I focused back on the street sign's.





Thank God.

I turned on Bellevue and headed down.

The guys were getting antsy and calling out street names when they came into view.

Until we came across a sign we were all very pleased to see.

32nd street.

I turned sharply and slammed on my brakes and at that moment without any hesitation we jumped out of the car with our phones in hand with our flashlights on.

It was silent.

No sound except for our screams for Jessi and Austin.

But there was something else.

A strange sound but it's one I have heard before.

As I got closer and closer to the tree line it became louder and more clear.

It wasn't until I started walking into the woods that I was able to make out the noise.

Before pushing any further I called out to Tino and pulled him with me.

We ventured into the woods following the Sounds jumping at every creak or snap of a branch.

Even the ones caused by our heavy footsteps.

We came to a halt when a figure came into sight.

It was hunched over something. I couldn't make out what it Was.

All I could hear was moaning and groaning.

I looked to Tino who had fear in his eyes.

Terrified about what was displayed in front of us.

I couldn't make anything out. It was just grunts.


One word made everything fall right into place.


am i gonna die daddy?  (austin carlile fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now