~~chapter 1~~ Austin Carlile?

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My names jessi carlile I'm fourteen years old and I live at home with my mom. I never knew my dad. But my mom tells me a lot about him but she won't tell me his name or what he does. Sometimes I really wish I had a dad.

I have dark brown long hair and hazel eyes I'm 5'5" . Ever since I was little I've been really sick. In and out of the hospital it's scary at times.

I got off my bus and said goodbye to kayelee as I headed to my house. I paused in the driveway seeing a car I've never seen before.

I got the mail. More medical bills.

I walked in the door and yelled

"Mom I'm ho... " I stopped seeing who was standing in my living room with my mother. AUSTIN FREAKING CARLILE!!! I was freaking out on the inside but was frozen on the outside.

"Austin Carlile?" I said walking towards my mother.

"Jessi sit down. We have a lot to talk about." She said in a motherly tone.

My mom and Austin sat down on the couch and I sat in the chair across from the couch.

"Someone wanna explain to me Why Austin carlile is in my house?" Austin laughed at that remark.

"We'll get to that." She paused.

"Jessi. You need your father. Every day you ask me who he is what he does and stuff like that." She paused again looking at me as if I approved.

"Yeah so."

"I can't take care of you anymore. I can't afford to give you the medical help you need. So you are gonna go live with your dad."

I couldn't believe what she was saying. "Mom.... No.. I'm not leaving you"

"Yes you are jessi. I've spent months tracking down your father so you could finally have the life you deserve. And I found him." She said looking to Austin then back at me.

"No..." I said softly... this couldn't be. How? There's no way that Austin freaking carlile. The man I've had a crush on for years

Is my father.

"I can finally give you answers. All though I've always made Sure you knew who he was. I just didn't know how to tell you that Austin's your dad."

I stood up. "I think I'm gonna be sick" I said running to the bathroom

"Am I that bad?" Austin said jokingly.

"No when she starts freaking out and having a panic attack she throws up. "

When I walked out of the bathroom my mom looked at me.

"Go pack the rest of your stuff. I have the most of your stuff packed in boxes already. " she stopped mid sentence.

"I know you don't like this but it's what's best for you. Austin you can bring up the boxes from jessi's room an put them in your car."

"Wait I'm leaving today??! What about school!! What about kayelee! I don't even get to say goodbye?" I screamed

"I'm sorry Jessi I should have told you before."

"Damn right you should have!!" I snapped

"Jessi you do not speak to your mother that way!" Austin said stepping up towards me.

"Oh so you think you can just jump in and expect to be my dad? Well you can't. " I turned and ran downstairs throwing myself on my bed.

"What happened. " I said to myself. I've looked up to Austin carlile for years and I've always dreamt about the day I met him. Never would I expect it to be like this. I can't believe I'm never gonna see my best friend again. I can't call her cause she doesn't have a phone. I wish I had known when we spoke at the bus stop that it'd be the last time I would ever talk to her.

"Knock knock " I heard Austin say as he opened the door.

"Go away Austin. " I said hiding my face in my pillow.

"I know you're upset Jessi. You deserved a dad a long time ago and I wish I was there. But I can't change the fact that I wasn't. Your mother and I ended things very badly and we both made the decision to never speak again. And as you can imagine I was surprised to get a phone call from her fourteen years later telling me I have a daughter. " he stopped

"She never told you?" I said sitting up To face him as he sat on the corner of my bed.

"No. You know if I had known about you I would have been there in a heartbeat. But I had no clue. Your mom called me distressed telling me that I had a kid and that you needed me and that she couldn't take care of you anymore. " he stopped to take a breath.

"After we worked everything out I got on a plane and flew down here. I also didn't know she hadn't told you about me and I didn't know you had any idea who u was."

"Of course I know who you are.. you're Austin carlile.. but that's not the point.. I'm not mad at you... Maybe a little mad at my mom after that but I'm not mad at you. It's just I will never see or speak to my best friend again. "

"You know if you want to before we leave I can take you by her house to say goodbye."


"Of course.. " he smiled at me.

I smiled back and hugged him. I looked around my room to see everything was packed into boxes except my clothes. Austin started taking boxes out to his car as I grabbed my suitcase and packed all my clothes.

"Now Jessi you know your stuff is being driven to my house so it won't be here for a couple days."

"I know" I sighed.

Just as everything was put into the car Austin looked to me as he got into the car. I stopped at the door of my house and looked back to my mom. I Saw a tear roll down her cheek as she saw I was about to leave.

"I'm gonna miss you jessi. Please call me every now and then and let me know that you are Okay "

"I'll call you every night" I said hugging her as tears streamed down my face.

"Goodbye mom " I said waving as I turned to go to the car.

"Goodbye baby girl. " I put my suitcase in the trunk. We drove to a U-Haul place and put all my stuff in the truck and gave the driver an address.

Then we drove to kayelees house. I was not looking forward to this conversation.....

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