~~chapter 20~~

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Dr francin rolled Austin to her bedside. At that time everyone was at least tearing up a little bit.

Jessi nearly leapt out of bed and latched onto him.

It brought tears to my eye's.

Pamela had the same thought I did as we pulled out our phone's and snapped a couple pictures.

I sent one to Aaron.

Alan - Jessi is gonna be okay guys. She seems pretty normal so far. Brought Austin in to see her. Lot of tears going on.
Image attached.

I put my phone back in my pocket and watched the two as Jessi sobbed into his weak arm's.

It's amazing how fast things almost completely fell apart.

Me and Pam watched, both of us nearly in tears at the amazing situation in front of us.

"Baby I'm so glad you're okay." Austin said rubbing her back.

He let go of her and wiped away her tears.

"Daddy, You saved Me."

Pamela walked over and set her hand on Austin's shoulder causing Austin's attention to turn to her.

"Babe! " he yelled and hugged her.

"Pam this is..." Austin started but not before being cut off by pam.

"Jessi, I know Honey." He smiled at those words.

"Jessi what do you think of Pam?"

"She's beautiful, and amazing. Don't ever let her Go dad."

All the sudden the doctor walked back in interrupting our little reunion.

"Sorry to interrupt guys but Mr. Carlile it's time for you to return back to your room and get some rest."

"Alright. "

We all said our goodbyes to Austin as he was wheeled out of the room and back to his.

As Austin left a nurse came in.

"Sorry to inform you guys but visiting hours are over you may come back tomorrow at six." She said and left the room.

"Alright Jessi, we'll be back tomorrow and I'll bring the guys in to see you."

"Alright. Thank you Alan."

"For what?"

"For saving me, and my dad." She smiled at me.

"Of course Jessi."

We said goodbye as we left her to get the much needed rest.

We walked back out to the boy's to see hopeful yet worried faces.

But there was another face that caught my eye.


"Shit." I muttered under my breath.

"What's up Alan? " Pam asked

"That's Chelsea, as in Austin's ex and Jessi's mother Chelsea "

She just stood with her mouth open.

"Just don't talk to her Pamela, just ignore whatever she's gonna say cause I know she's got shit to say." She nodded as we turned and walked to the boy's.

"Long time No see Alan."

"It's been like three days Chelsea."

"So I heard y'all managed to loose my daughter." She snickered.

"She's Not your daughter anymore and that's none of your business."

"Come on guys we gotta go." Said Pamela to all the boy's.

"You guys can come stay at my place." She said.

"Oh I'm guessing this is Austin's New Whore? "

"Excuse you?" Pamela said stepping up to Chelsea.

"Pamela." I said trying to prevent Any questionable actions

Pamela looked at me and sighed.

"Come on boy's." She said pulling all of us out of the hospital before anything else could be said.

"What I'm worried about is why she's here." Aaron said from behind Me.

"Isn't It obvious Aaron, she's here for Jessi or Austin. It's a spite thing, she's not gonna get very far so I'm not worried much."

"But both of them are very vulnerable at the moment, especially Jessi. Hopefully she can hold strong."

"She'll be Fine."

"You boys coming to my house tonight?". Pamela said interrupting our conversation

"Do you have alcohol?" I asked completely worn out from the past two day's.

She laughed and nodded.

"Alright I'm in." I said as Tino Phil and Aaron agreed.

We piled into Pamela's car leaving mine in the parking lot.

Eh I'll get it tomorrow.

Aaron's words rang through my head.

Why was Chelsea there?

I couldn't help but get a sickly feeling in the pit of my stomach.

**Jessi's p.o.v.**

My whole body was sore. My chest especially.

I laid in the bed and looked down at all the machines I was attached To.

There was so many.

Bleep.... Bleep.... Bleep.

God I did not miss that sound, I've heard way to much of that the last couple day's.

I felt so alone.

The nurse made Alan and Pamela go home.


I needed them so much right Now.

After the events of today why the hell would they leave me alone?

Hmm. I question the integrity of these hospitals.

I heard the door open snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Why Hello there Jessi."

I swear I felt my heart drop to my feet.

It was my mother.

She shut the door and walked over to my bedside.

"Long time No see huh?"

"Get away from me." I said through gritted teeth.

"I see you managed to survive through everything that's happened." She paused as if she was waiting for my approval.

"You're like a cockroach. If you wanna get rid of em you gotta take Matters into your own hand's."

"What?" I said but Not before she ripped the IV out of my arm as well as the other cords I was attached To.

Then I felt a sharp pain then a warm sensation in my chest.

I looked down to see she had ripped the bandage from my chest taking a couple stitches with her.

My chest was now oozing blood.

Suddenly I felt myself struggling for air.

"You won't make it this time." She snickered as she unplugged my heart monitor.

"Bye honey." She said snidely as she locked the door from the inside and shut it behind Her.

I gasped for breath and felt a quite familiar feeling. One I have felt all to often.

I tried to stand and make my way to the door but the minute I stood up everything went dark and I lost all control.

There was one thought going through my head.

I'm gonna die.

am i gonna die daddy?  (austin carlile fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now