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"Girl wake up!" *hissing* *shaking me*
"Girl you need to wake up right now if you don't want to get in trouble!" *more shaking me*


"WHAT" I don't even know what's going on. I just got up for her to stop shaking me.
I opened my eyes and she was picking some clothes out of my closet.

"Okay get this on!" She threw a white t-shirt on my bed. "Wha-" I'm so confused.

"And this-" a pair of jeans at my face.
I got mad but I kept it inside. It was on the edge but that soon ended when she threw shoes at me and started yelling at me for not getting up.


"DAVID. He's taking you to the mall for new clothes because of moving.. and look at your clothes!" She pointed at my body. I looked down and oh shit.
"If you say you went on a walk he's gonna kill you and if you don't explain he's gonna assume the worse with Davens clothes on-" she was explaining when the door opened.

"Get up we're going to the mal-" he stopped dead straight. Cameron was with him, too.

"Girl you didn't change?" Cameron voice came out shock. He looked at David and David wasn't giving signs of anything.

I was just standing there looking like a fucking baby with my dads clothes. Yes that's how big they were.

"What happened last night?" He calmly questioned. His voice was calm but he's fists said something else.

I was expecting this question but i still didn't know the answer to. If I explain Imma be dead and if I don't then he's gonna think wrong.

"Wavily what happened last night with those clothes" his voice wasn't so calm now but it was still calm. "If I explain either way you're gonna get mad" I whispered.

He took a deep breathe. "Explain what" his jaw was closed so hard.

"Why do you have Davens full clothes on?" He chuckled in anger.

I looked at Jackie and she just nodded which that meant I should just say it because I had no way out.

"I want on a walk..." I said a bit quietly. I looked up at him and he nodded for me to continue. "But it was too late and I really wanted to go so I took his clothes  to look like a guy and went on a short walk...to-" he was still calm at this point.

"To what?" He raised one of his eyebrows. "To calm myself down- " were the only things I said.

He looked calm even with his fists now so I don't know what happened. If he was how I remembered he would act I would be crying right now.

"Change.. we're going to get new clothes" he calmly said and then left the room. We all looked at each other the second he left.

"Am I the only one who thought he acted too calm?" Jackie commented. "No" I answered.

"That man.... something's wrong-" Cameron spoke.
"Wait.. the day when you knew you were gonna move... after he saw how mad you looked I think he-" and she just stopped.

I walked in my closet and took them off. They were so comfy. I wish I could stay in them forever.
We got excused for school because they new I was moving so they allowed us to miss the day. The first time I wanted to go to school.

Maybe for some reason but I don't know. I just felt like I needed to be there but I wasn't.

As I was shopping I couldn't stop thinking about last night. And what Daven said. Did he really ruin my first kiss? Was he really just trying to get the name out of my mouth?

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