40. You almost cut the girl into pieces

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Brain cell #1: just try to walk out again!
Brain cell #2: you actually want to die if you move
Brain cell #1; shut up.. wave move.. he'll let you I promise. Plus if he wants to know he'll ask his sister..

Brain cell #2 actually has a poi-

Brain cell #1: go walk out it's easier...

Fine... so I moved my body and half way.

"I said don't move" shit...

If a machine could measure someone that is angry by their voice. The machine would be fucking broken into pieces after it hears this guys voice for less than a second.

He sounded like he could actually kill me with his deep sharp voice.

As I sat back down he looked at Emily and before he could even say anything else Emily went

"No" she clearly said with her cleared throat.

"No.. i meant it. No. I'm 17. I should be allowed to do these kind of stu—" as she was saying it with so much confidence she got cut out by him almost shouting at her. All the girls literally jumped at his voice including me.

"WITH OF THE GUYS IN THE ROOM" he didn't need to say anything else since we all got the point.

So he does remember what Ivy said.

But what I didn't mention was that a group of guys were here right before this.

His basketball team because every guy in the basketball team is friends with Dayven and David along with Cameron and Alexis.

So it's gonna be hard because every guy has hit on Emily before. Some without Dayven knowing and some respectfully asked him first.

If it wasn't for the basketball team. It would be on the spot.

When he made these friends he made the rule clearly.

His sister wasn't an option. And by the fact that when it comes to his sister hes the most protective guy on earth to his sister. And he doesn't even let a guy even go near her especially not his homies with those kind of ways (ya know).. so you can just imagine what his reaction was like to hearing that his sister got kissed (for the second time but he doesn't need to know that. I'm the only one and let's keep it that way) to one of his homies which he trusts his homies not to when he made that rule. He's like that just like my brother but that's not the point here.

He got up and before walking completely to the backyard he turned around and looked at all the guys.

"Outside. Now" he said it clear and slow

He wasn't gonna even try to get it out of them if they did it he was gonna try and get it out of them if they know who like any other guy.

Because it was obvious none of them did it but... he was thinking maybe one of them know who did it.

I pray for all the guys that are going to deal with his shouting and shit. Especially for the ones that actually didn't do it. He isn't paying much attention to David..

I saw when David got up he gave a head hint to Emily when he saw her being worried.

We all heard Davens shouting after like 10 seconds.


We all jumped when we realized he had just punched the wall.... ouch

As I stared at the guys outside. The girls went to Emily.
"Ouch..." I went
"How much of a strong guy can he be that he isn't even crying or cussing" Jackie said smirking as her eyebrows stayed together.

"Thats so hot... Imagine what those hands could do!" she added then she realized we were all looking at her in like 'are you serious right now'


"Oh shit.." she looked at Emily..

Emily knew but she didn't give a fuck. It wasn't new.

"say whatever. It's not like I haven't had like the whole girls in school fake it through me til they make it to his pants" and she laughed. Gross.
"So who is it" Alex said as she teased her with flirting

"C'mon" Alex punch her shoulder.

"Guys?" The word left my mouth as my eyes wondered around the room.

"Where the hell did Ivy go?"

And that's what brought their attention back at me.

"Oh. I'm so killing that fucking bitch. I'm so doing it." Jackie said as she looked around with me. We were still sitting down.

Finally. They all got to their normal selves.

"Whatever. She can go wherever right now but that doesn't mean she's done with me" Jackie turned around back to us.

"You have to be lying if you said it isn't David" Jackie was so sure of what she was saying.

"Guys please, just keep it down" she begged us.
"SO IT IS?" Alex got excited.
"It is but you guys can't tell anyone...." as she admitted her eyes went to me. The all looked at me realizing that he's my brother.

"Whatever. You guys put me in this shit. Now Dayven is gonna come after me." I said knowing what it's coming for me.

Emily seemed like she wanted to say stuff but she didn't.

They all were talking when the guys outside went quiet.. so I stood up to go and take a look.

The wall between the backyard and our living room was a glass wall. But at that moment the glass wall was open and I didn't think anything of it so I was gonna go into the backyard when glass bottle got thrown at the wall right now to me and it shattered.

It shattered right next to me but for my quick thinking I took a few steps back.

I covered my face with my hands as the whole pieces went everywhere. I didn't scream. I didn't. Not because it wasn't scary.

Because it was since the bottle was so big but because I was so scared what I might see behind the wall in the backyard. I was already taking small steps and was planning on just peeking through but I almost saw my life flash through my eyes.

It wouldn't be scary if I saw what was coming.

"WAVILY" I heard the only voice I could actually hear instead of the screams that came from behind me. The girls screamed and I didn't.

Jackie came rushing to me to see if I was okay when all the guys just stood there on the other side staring.

Jackie looked at the guys when she saw Dayvens hand bleeding and that's when she knew it was him.

"WHAT IN THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU" Jackie yelled at Dayven as she took few steps closer to him.

If it were any other guy they would be scared but it's Dayven... he's emotionless so you can't expect anything.

"Dude I told you to control your anger issues. You almost cut the girl into pieces" Alexis slowly and quietly said almost like he didn't want Dayven to hear but I'm sure he did.

Daven looked at Jackie then at me.

"It's her fault?!" he let out an angry chuckle again and walked off to the front door.

After a while of trying to figure out a way to fix that mess Daven has made.
I went outside and realized my David and Dayven are hissing at each other arguing.

When I realized that Dayven noticed me I turned my heels around and was about to fly but he's angrily spoke.

"Stop right there"

I turned around to face him slowly

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