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Throwback to 1 year ago*

"Truth or dare, Wavily?" The most horrible voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

Calm, sweet vanilla but very fake voice.

As my eyes moved from the grey fluffy blanket I was staring at right in front of me to her direction, I squeezed the end of my hoodie sleeve to keep calm.

Everybody around me was drunk.

I'm not gonna lie, I felt a little dizzy and like my stomach was about give up on me too but even Jackie, my best friend, was shitfaced. If anybody was in the position of seeing how fake this bitch— Ivy— is, it should be Jackie. But no, everybody's drunk and getting along like everything is just normal.

Like the room isn't spinning.

Her dark red wine hair became a light cherry like color because of the backyard light behind her, and her black short dress was making her light green eyes pop, Ivy.

She's really pretty.... Fuck her.

"Dare" I glared at her.

Ivy is one enemy when she chooses you to mess with.  If someone had told me that she would come into my life just because of my guy friend, Dayven, and gave me a 30 second video of the bullshit she had in store for me... I would've just jumped off a bridge right then and there.

"I dare you to tell us one thing that you haven't told a single person in this room!"

That threw me off guard a little, considering the fact that there are only 7 people here, and they're mostly my closest friends... I don't know.

My eyes scanned the floor a bit.

Alex, Alexi, and Jackie, my three favorite people, are right next to each other as Alex is praying to stay awake because he promised Alexi that he would since he sleeps everywhere and all the time. Him and Alexi have a quiet situation-ship going on that everybody in the group is aware of but them two refuse to acknowledge it.

And, we have my asshole brother, David, and his best friend Dayven, right next to each other as Ivy and Emily have sat right next to them. David's a fucking hardcore lock on me for everything. He's more strict than our parents which is probably why I don't have a single actual romance experience yet. If we talk about every negative thing that David brings with his existence, we would need days. Then along the lines of Dayven and Emily, siblings, who hate each other. Emily's also my favorite which brings Dayven in the 'people I have to hang out with' list, unfortunately—-

Ivy isn't in our group, not that she wants to or even enjoys being here... she's just here for Dayven. They're in a questionable hook-up situation-ship also but the second I witness the moment she realizes that Dayven couldn't care less to even throw a glance at her direction if it isn't for sex, that's when I'll be ready to die. I mean I kinda think she already knows because in that little popular-high-school crowd full of guys who's only personality is that they play sports and are the school's favorites because of the teams that 'keep the school's game afloat'. Topical high school fuck-boys. And the girls, on the popular side, who can't survive with only one guy over them, who only go to the games for hook-ups and shit—  the nothing more than sex and it being okay to go fuck someone else right after.. ya, I feel like she couldn't handle anything other than a hook-up either.

"Nothing like feelings or any bullshit like that." Is like the unspoken rule of theirs.


"Imagine if she just spits out that she's not a virgin anymore!" Emily let out a surprised giggle and in return I gave her a fake 'oh imagine' smile as my death stare went along.

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