60. Except

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"When?" He asked in excitement but he tried to hide the excitement because he saw my face and how embarrassed I was. Plus sad.

"Few days ago" I whispered.
"Where?" He asked quietly.
"On- on Lory's wedding" I didn't want to look at him.

"So it wasn't only Lory's wedding. My favorite couple kissed. HAHA" he yelled.

I just looked at him all confused and couldn't even believe him.

He realized I was looking at him with that look and he calmed down.

"What's wrong?" He said quietly.
"Like I said.. he tricked me" a tear fell out.
"How?" Was the only word that came out of his mouth. "He didn't actually want to kiss me. He didn't even want to. It was nothing to him while it was the world to me even tho I had no idea what was happening... he just wanted information" i said everything with anger but the last part I looked at the ground with the other eye dropping another tear as well.

"Wha-ho-" he didn't even know what to say.

I took a deep breath knowing I now have to let everything out.
"While he was gone David and Emily caught feelings for each other then they did stuff in secret."

I took a deep breath.

"I saw it but I kept them secrets inside but that night we played games when Daven was back. His girlfriend tricked me into saying that Emily was doing shit with one of Daven's best friends and you know the rules of Daven to his best friends?!!!" I shrugged my shoulders.

"So Daven was in fire and he got even more mad when nobody was telling him who the guy was. He started coming after me because he thought I was the only one who could tell him who the guy was."

I took another deep breath getting into the hard part.

"I didn't and he just came after me for months.. he got mad and that turned into flirting. A lot of flirting. Like a lot which that turned into him not handling it so he just got me locked up at the roof top on the wedding day and I still wouldn't tell him so he made a deal with me but that didn't even matter because I never did agree to the deal. He gave me 3 chances but I still didn't tell him so he just-. He didn't even feel bad but then I couldn't hold it in since he ruined my first kiss AND I didn't really give a fuck at that point so I just told him and he got even more mad which turned him into taking another round with his anger...."

And I finally took my last breath.

I didn't look at him but I could tell he was shock.

"Ok I know David and Emily's couple thing is important but I'm flying for you and Daven-" as he said the last part I yelled.

"ITS NOT HOW YOU THINK IT IS UNCLE!" I was about to cry.

He was calm even after I yelled at him...

"Bother to tell me why they are sending you away?" He questioned after me yelling at him.

"My brother found out and he punched Daven for that but for some reason Cameron and Daven won't admit that they know about him and Emily.. I don't know why. They just won't tell him. But my brother didn't want to tell others about how his best friend kissed his sister so he just blamed it on my grades." I explained.

"Wavily.. I'm a guy and I don't know if you'll believe me or not but I don't think Daven did it to just get information" he breathed out.

I looked at him confused.

"He might say it as an excuse to even trick his brain AND his feelings into not admitting his feelings because he doesn't want to admit that.... but I don't think he kissed you for the information..." he smiled.

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