49. Not childhood best friends anymore... things changed

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I was making sure nobody saw me take the key and went to sit next to everybody else.

For your information, I got lost.... I couldn't find the stairs to the roof and my mom started calling me so I just gave up for now.

I wasn't really talking since they were all talking to others and I was kinda behind everyone.

After like 10 minutes of me being on my phone and others talking all the guys gathered themselves on the stage and held our attention.

I was surprised Dayven was there and not upstairs like he said he wanted me there...

Dayven and Cameron were both on the stage and both of them were trying to figure out who's gonna hold the mic.

Cameron took the mic and started talking. "Hello ever-rybody... um. Since it's our beautiful sassy girls wedding. We thought we might as well just make a surprise... um-"

*andbdhwhsuebw* and they switched mics. "Umm.. so auntie Lory this is for you... and your dumbass husband-" when Dayven said that after having the mic everybody yelled at him but he was Dayven so it didn't matter.

"I meant like both of you are dumbasses. It's embarrassing for the husband" and Dayven dropped the mic onto Cameron's hands which caused the attention to go on Cameron.

Dayven looked behind us all, like at the end of the corner. Or the other end- doesn't matter just the end.

He looked at something that was in the back and gave them a head hint. After that which were like 5 seconds and when I tell you....


Water was everywhere...

Everybody was running around trying to get away from the cold water and from the guys spraying it but it was no help for the girls.

My hair was wet. My dress was wet. Everything was wet. Even tho it wasn't much water it was still wet.

Eventually they got caught and people came to take them. It was David, Cameron, and a lot more from their group.

Dayven and Alexis ran the opposite way... they didn't get caught. I don't know how but it happened. So they didn't get caught.

I tried to calm others down while dealing with myself but I couldn't. I was a little dry now. You know that kind of like feeling when your clothes are dry but not fully but you still have to wear them for school and then it feels really weird because your clothes are damp.

I should've said that in the first place...

So when everybody wasnt looking I made my way up the stairs and was walking my way to the roof top.

I made it without anyone seeing me.

my brothers and others got back after a while since their punishment was due another day because today is like a 'special day' so ya. They were back which made it even worse.

I put the key in the lock to like open the door and I could already see the lights and the moon, but not fully after that I found myself being pushed and polled behind the door.

As I try to like just focus on what just happened I see myself being pushed against a freaking wall while the figure, the large figure, from what I could see locked the door and put the keys in their jeans or something

In conclusion... they took the keys and locked the door.

After I see the large figure LITERALLY come so close to my body even pressing against my body and both their hands on each side trapping me.

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