64. Stop it

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What she was wearing... and Davens outfit is pretty simple to imagine so that's why there's no pic for it

I'm honestly scared to get out of my room. MY  ROOM.

I'm scared to get out of MY ROOM because of Daven.

He's lost his mind. Seriously.

Ok let me explain.

The second I went against him and told him that my plan was gonna stay the same even if he likes it or not... he went crazy.

I mean not crazy crazy in the mind but like he used to hide his flirting with me when we're around people. He doesn't even do that anymore.

He used to be gentle with his flirting.. he used to keep it light when we're around people and I could handle that. But now. He doesn't even care about who's around. He will go as hard as he can with his flirting and he doesn't even care anymore.

It's like he doesn't care about anything anymore and I was the only thing he was holding on to.. now that I'm even moving away in a day. It's like it just lost the reason to keep his actions in place.

He's like become a bully.

When you're shy and you're trying your best to keep the attention off you.. then the bully comes to his morning fun.

And they bring up the entire schools attention to you.. but then you talk a word back and they get more mad thinking you'll start standing up to them so they start doing too too tooooo extra. Like the times when they don't even want to have fun they still do with bullying you.

And that's the best example I can give.
I stood up to him and went against him a day and a half ago.. so he became just like the bully.
Even when I go downstairs.. the assholes eyes won't leave me alone for even a bit. Even if he's talking to other people. I can even feel his spirit following me if that makes sense.

And he would even go extra hard and pull me out of nowhere to dark hallways or rooms and pin me then annoy the shit out of me as much as he can until someone or me interrupts him.

But tonight is the last night that I will have with everybody.. tomorrow night is my moving day. I can't even imagine what's gonna be like.

Especially with Daven.


I can hear them downstairs..

Jackie really can't relax until I'm there.
Like bitch relax I don't wanna come.


For the last time she yelled which pissed me the yell out which caused my ass to sit up straight on my bed about to lose my mind.

I have been laying down on my bed just staring at the ceiling imagining my new life in the farm which is the best feeling.

Not the imagining. Just laying down.

I could hear her footsteps angrily walking up to my room and...

"Wake the fuck up lazy ass" she snatched the door open and walked right into my room.

I already knew I didn't have a choice so I just got out of bed not bothering to change my white crop top with my grey short... they were sleeping clothes but I don't care. My hair was again messy. Messy wavy with big soft curls but I didn't have time to put it in a bun so it was just behind my back.

"I made your favorite" she said as she was walking down the stairs with me behind her.
I really didn't care.
"Chicken wings?" I questioned her still walking behind her. She nodded in front of me.

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