twenty nine.

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Cassidy sat with her Father as he began to explain some of his ideas about how to help Draco. 

"There's no way we can get him out of the plan with Dumbledore, especially not this close to when it will happen. Unless of course Severus keeps his Unbreakable Vow and intervenes." David sighed. 

"He's no killer" Cassidy whispered

"I know Cass, I know. But in terms of that particular mission, there is nothing we can do. We need to win this war somehow." David sighed. 

"You know, the Order wanted me to come here" Cassidy spoke after a few minutes of silence. " Actually, it was an idea put across from mother." 

"The Order?" David asked, a look of surprise on his face. "What would they want you to do here?" 

"They wanted me to see if I could find out Voldemort's next move" Cassidy said, feeling brave enough to speak his true name, she wondered if she should have divulged such information to her Father, but given the circumstances and that he actually wished to help Draco, she knew that telling him anything that she could, could potentially save Draco. 

"They wanted you to be a spy?" David asked again, a look of confusion on his face as he took in the information. And then, it was like a light came on in his mind, his mouth opened and his eyes widened. 

"I have an idea, but no one will like it. But I am certain, that if we work together, the three of us, we can help the Order to win this war." David said. 

"Will it save Draco's life?" Cassidy asked, looking her father in the eyes. 

"Yes" He nodded. 

"Then I am here to listen" Cassidy nodded. 

"You love him don't you?" David smiled at his daughter, a proud look on his face. 

She nodded in response, blushing slightly, "I would do anything for him. I love him with my whole heart." 

"Then I ask you this daughter" David said more seriously, "If it came down to it, Would you take the Dark Mark? In order to save Draco's life and help your friends win this war?" 

Cassidy's breath caught in her throat, she began to think, would she really do such a thing to protect her boyfriend. As she thought, she looked back towards the door that she knew Draco was on the other side of. She thought about how pale he was, how tired he had become, how ill he looked. She couldn't bear to see him become destroyed by all of this, least if he had her on his side, he would never be alone. 

Would she take the Dark Mark if given the opportunity to save his life?

She would do it twice. 

"Yes" she said, her voice croaking slightly, "I would" 

"Then I have a proposition for you, if you truly want to help the Order, as well as help Draco, we need to get you to meet the Dark Lord" David explained. "Whilst this was something I never wanted you to go through, I know that together we can get through this." 

Cassidy nodded along, "If I'm one of you, I can help the Order be one step ahead, like a spy on the inside, not just gathering information, I can be right there" Cassidy was beginning to understand how this plan would work. From the surface, it looked completely deranged, that her Death eater father was just trying to recruit her, but the more she thought about it, the more it began to make sense. 

"Exactly" he agreed. 

"You know father, since coming to Hogwarts, and finding out about all of this. I hve never felt like I truly belong" she explained

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