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I haven't heard from you in a while, I'm hoping everything at Hogwarts is going well. Hermione wrote to me mentioning that the two of you hadn't been seeing eye to eye recently. I do hope that you can manage to work things out between you two. Things with the Order have been complicated, trying to anticipate the Dark Lord's next move is what it proving difficult, I urge you to let me know if you hear or see anything strange around the school. 

Until we see each other again, 


As she read over the letter, Cassidy thought about her mother and felt guilty that she had not been in contact with her sooner. She was sitting by the lake thinking about her life and how tings had become much more complicated than she first thought. But as her mind began to work overtime, it began to wander and a certain blonde boy popped into her head. She thought of his smile, his laugh and the way that he smirked when he flirted. She had been trying so hard not to think about him, as much as it irritated her, she was worried that Hermione's warnings about Draco had been true. Could he really be that dangerous?  Surely not. 

The sun had began to set in the distance and as it shined across the water of the lake, Cassidy realised that she had been sat here for a few hours. She took a final glance at the letter from her Mother and rose from her seated position on the grass verge. As she straightened out her jacket, she heard a twig snap from behind her. Startled, Cassidy turned her head in the direction of the noise, scared that someone was to jump out on her. She took out her wand and held it in front of her as a precaution, anxious to see if another noise followed. 

"Jesus Cassidy, what are you going to do hex me?" She heard the all too familiar voice say as Draco emerged from the bushes. Relieved, Cassidy withdrew her wand with a relieved sigh. 

"Don't sneak up on people Draco" she hissed. 

He laughed as he raised his hands in defeat, "Hey in my defense I didn't know you were here" He began to walk closer to her, making Cassidy nervous already. "Why are you here?" 

"I was just thinking" Cassidy mumbled as she folded up the letter from her mother and placed it in her pocket. She tried her hardest to avoid eye contact with Draco, worrying that if she looked into those grey eyes that she wouldn't ever stop. 

Draco looked at her puzzled, "Have I done something to upset you?" He asked, to which Cassidy shook her head in response. "It's just, you're not exactly looking at me" he chuckled somewhat nervously. 

"Sorry, I should go" Cassidy mumbled as she began to walk away past Draco. He was confused as to what exactly had caused her to behave in this way. Eager to understand he immediately reached a hand out to grab her arm lightly as she walked past. 

"Wait" he breathed, causing Cassidy to snap her eyes up to his, the one thing she had been scared to do. Not out of fear, but out of worry that the eye contact would send her falling into a spiral she could not return from. "Talk to me" Draco whispered, his eyes showing concern. 

Draco slid his hand from her arm and down to her hand, though he was nervous at the touch, he tried his hardest not to show it through his face. He began to lead her back towards the edge of the lake, Cassidy's feet followed Draco's, her heart was thumping harder and harder with each step she took. She couldn't keep her eyes off of him as they walked, oh god she thought. She watched as Draco released his hand from hers, she internally missed the warmth of his hand in hers. He took a seat right on the brink of the grass verge only a few feet from the edge of the water, Cassidy watched as he turned back towards her and sent her a friendly smile as he patted the grass beside him, motioning her to come and join him. 

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