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The next day Cassidy walked to her potions class alone, she had met Hermione that evening in one of the corridors off from the Gryffindor common room where she had filled her in on what had happened with Ron and Lavender at the Quidditch after party. The thought of the awkwardness that would unfold in this next class had made Cassidy nervous. But as she walked into the class, she had realised that the whole class was already seated but to her dismay she didn't see Hermione. She took her regular seat next to Harry in confusion, but Harry hadn't noticed her sitting down as his head was buried in the textbook that he always clung onto. 

"Where is Hermione?" Cassidy asked as she nudged Harry to get his attention.

"She asked Slughorn if she could move classes, shes now in the afternoon class" Harry said without tearing his eyes away from his reading position. 

"Are you serious?" Cassidy asked in disbelief, surely Hermione would have mentioned something of the sort to her last night. "Oh well you're full of enlightening conversation today aren't you?" Cassidy scoffed towards Harry who still failed to put his book down. 

"What's your problem?" He asked harshly, still not tearing his eyes away from his book. 

"You've become a little too interested in something that you don't know about" Cassidy spat "You could be having an intellectual conversation with a human being who wants to talk to you" 

Before Harry could speak, he was interrupted by Professor Slughorn who had intended to start the lesson. 

"Now. Despite my warnings at the beginning of the term, it seems we have had disagreements between pairings and I have had to shuffle around some partners." he began. Cassidy's mind immediately shifted to Hermione as she glared at Ron. She knew it wasn't entirely his fault, Hermione hadn't exactly expressed her feelings to him and was somewhat relying on him to work it out for himself. But anyone who knew Ron knew he was a bit of a simple being, although he was a smart guy, him and working out other people's thoughts and feelings were not exactly a match made in heaven.

"Fletcher, Potter" Slughorn started, interrupting Cassidy from her thoughts, "As much as I love the work you both have been doing together, I'm afraid I must split you apart. I trust you shall still do as exceptionally in your new pairings." Cassidy was disappointed to say the least, yet as she looked at Harry his face seemed unchanged, as if he didn't exactly care too much.

"Potter if you could join Weasley, as you know he no longer has a partner" Slughorn carried on. "Fletcher, would you be so kind as to join Mr Malfoy, as much as he likes to work solo, the class numbers are now even meaning it is time for him to partner up." 

Cassidy's face dropped as she turned to see Malfoy sitting as his desk, his chin resting on one of his hands, his facial expression remained unchanged. 

"But sir I-" Cassidy began. 

"I appreciate the concern that you are about to display Fletcher, however you will be in more than capable hands. Mr Malfoy is one of my best students. You will learn a thing or two from him. Sorry Fletcher but this is my final word." 

As disappointed as she felt, Cassidy no longer intended to put up a fight, instead she picked up her back and moved towards Malfoy's table and took the empty stool opposite from him. As soon as she moved over, his friends began introducing themselves to her, although they had never spoken before they seemed somewhat polite, Cassidy knew it was down to the Slytherin Crest she wore on her robe. 

Draco shifted in his seat, barely saying a word throughout the whole lesson, he allowed her to share his book and he went to and from the supply cupboard so that she didn't have to, but in turn he mainly took the reigns on creating today's potions. She is useless, he thought to himself as he watched her eyes trace over the book creating lines on her forehead as she concentrated hard on the words. 

"If you stare any harder the boo is going to burst into flames" Draco muttered as he took it from her grasp. 

"You don't have to snatch and be so rude you know Malfoy" She spat as she crossed her arms in front of her. 

He chuckled to himself, "God knows how you and Potter did it

"Pardon?" She questioned, her face showing shock and confusion. 

"Oh god not like that you idiot" he laughed "I meant how you worked together and managed to get things right. Although I wouldn't exactly be surprised if you had, well you know" 

Cassidy rolled her eyes at him ignoring his snide remarks, for the rest of the class she barely paid attention to him, but looked at Harry from across the room who's attention barely shifted from that of the book. 

As Slughorn dismissed the class she left as soon as she could without speaking to Malfoy any further. She moved quickly to follow Harry so not as to lose him in the crowd. 

"Harry!" She shouted as she followed him and Ron, pushing through the crowds of students. 

Harry stopped and turned to her with a blank expression, his book still in his hand. Cassidy couldn't work out what she had done to deserve this sort of treatment from him,she thought they had been close.

"What's up Cassidy?" He asked plainly

"Um I was wondering if you were going to resume tutoring me?" She asked, Cassidy had hoped that if she could resume her lessons with Harry maybe she could begin to understand what was going on with him. "I know we aren't partners anymore but I could really do with the help." 

Harry sighed, "Look Cassidy, I've got so much on at the moment, ive got these important meetings with Dumbledore, not to mention the stress I'm under with some personal stuff" 

Cassidy shifted her feet and looked towards the floor, "Oh okay, I understand. It's a shame, I've missed spending time with you" 

After a few moments of silence Harry spoke up, "Okay. Tomorrow, I'll meet you in the Library at 6pm" A small smile appeared on his face, softening his expression.. Cassidy sighed with relief, it was nice to see him smiling at her again. 

"Thanks Harry" she smiled, "I really appreciate it." Cassidy looked behind Harry down to the other side of the corridor where she saw Hermione standing on her own looking up to the three of them. Her eyes fixated on Ron who hadn't noticed she was there. 

"If you'll excuse me" Cassidy said as she began to walk towards Hermione, knowing she couldn't leave her on her own. "I'll see you later" 

"Hey" Hermione sighed as Cassidy reached her. The pair of them began to walk to their Defense Against the Dark Arts class together, one of the only classes she also had with Millicent.

"You could've warned me about the class switch" Cassidy groaned, "I'm now stuck with Malfoy"

"Surely he can't be that bad" Hermione began, earning a look from Cassidy. "Okay never mind, maybe he can be" she laughed. 

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