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"13th June 1995 


I know it's been a while but I needed to write to you. There's so many things we need to talk about, so many things you need to know. You're going to receive a letter that is going to sound crazy. Believe it. I know it's going to sound completely insane, but there's things in this world that our imagination would not even be able to comprehend. But I implore you to listen and understand. 

Meet me in the cafe at the end of Park Road of the 20th June at 5:30pm. 

I promise you it will begin to make sense

Until then,


Cassidy twirled the letter between her fingers, her anxiety causing her to fiddle. It was already the 20th of June. On top of the table laid the letter Hermione had mentioned in her letter that had arrived just the previous morning. Cassidy had been to scared to open it, the words in Hermione's letter had worried her, she had never seemed so serious in her letters before. But, Cassidy had not heard from her since last summer when she had returned from boarding school. Her and Hermione were long term friends, they grew up together on the same street in London, Hermione's parents had worked with Cassidy's mother previously at a dental practice where Cassidy's mother had been a receptionist. But ever since Hermione started boarding school at the age of 11, Cassidy had barely seen her, they spent time over the summer however every year Hermione became less and less herself. 

She was nervous, excited and anxious, she couldn't wait to see her old friend again, but was worried of what the outcome of the conversation would be. As her thoughts swirled in her head, the bell of the cafe door jingled. Cassidy turned her head towards the door seeing a brown curly haired girl that she recognised as her old best friend. Hermione smiled as she made eye contact with Cassidy and she sat at the table in the seat across from her. 

"Hi" Hermione sighed with a smile on her face, happy to see Cassidy, but also deflated that it had been this long since she had seen her. "Hi" Cassidy returned with a similar smile on her face. It was awkwardly silent for a few moments, as both girls were unsure how to begin the conversation. 

"So, how is school?" Cassidy started as she took in a deep breath. Hermione looked deflated, as if the subject of school wasn't something to ask her right now. 

"That's what I have come here to talk to you about" Hermione sighed, "have you opened your letter yet?"

Cassidy looked down at the unopened envelope in front of her and picked it up. She scanned over the cursive writing on the front that read her name and address. She turned it over in her hands and lifted the red wax seal from the fold of the envelope, taking the letter out. 

"Dear Miss Fletcher, 

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.


Albus Dumbledore


Her eyes began to scan over the letter, and again, and again, in an attempt to make the words sink in. Witchcraft?  She thought. Surely that doesn't exist. As she put the letter down she looked at Hermione with a laugh. 

"Surely this is some kind of boarding school joke that I wouldn't understand" Cassidy rolled her eyes in disbelief, annoyed in some aspects that Hermione would mock her intelligence like this. 

"It's not a joke" Hermione sighed, "I know this sounds crazy but you are a witch, just like me"

Cassidy couldn't believe her ears, "What do you mean like you?" 

"I'm a witch" Hermione repeated plainly, "I've been attending Hogwarts for the last few years. It's complicated, but that's why I'm here, to tell you everything, and bring you back with me, we need you, now more than ever." 

"Even if I was a witch, I couldn't just up and leave my life for some fantasy that I don't believe exists." Cassidy said confused. But as the words rolled off her tongue, the bell of the cafe door rang again. Another figure she recognised walked in and towards their table. 

It was her mother. 

Laura, Cassidy's mother sat by Hermione, a softened look on her face as she gave her a hug. Her eyes meeting Cassidy that showed sympathy, remorse and uncertainty. "Hey Cass" She spoke softly. 

"Hi mother, why aren't you at work?" Cassidy questioned, her mother never skipped a day eof work, or left early, unless there was an emergency. 

Laura sighed, showing her nerves through her breaths, "I'm here to talk to you about Hogwarts" 

How did her mother know? Was she in on this practical joke? Cassidy's head swirled with questions, and it was as if her mother had read her mind. 

"I know your brain must be running at a mile a minute, but There's a lot you don't know Cass, a lot I have kept from you to protect you. But it's time that you know everything, about Hogwarts, about your father and about the world I've been protecting you from. They need you, and they need us" Her mother said, grabbing hold of Cassidy's hand gently. 

"All we ask is that you listen first" Hermione said, catching Cassidy's attention. "Listen first, then we will answer any questions you have"

Cassidy nodded as her mother and Hermione began to tell her different stories of the wizarding world and how her family was impacted. How her mother was a Ravenclaw legend and former member of the Order of the Phoenix, and her Father, David Colten a Slytherin legend. Her father couldn't resist the temptations of the Dark Lord and left while she was young. Her mother had taken her away from the potential dangers of the wizarding world and they hid in the 'muggle' world to live a better life, living under a new surname of Fletcher instead of the magical surname Colten.

What felt like hours passed by as the two of them talked, Cassidy could do nothing but try her best to process this information the best she could, nodding occasionally to show her interest. They tried to explain the recent issues with the Dark Lord returning, and how that meant they needed all the witches and wizards that they could to help with the cause. The further the story was explained, the more Cassidy began to understand just why Hermione had written to her and why she was needed at Hogwarts. But the one thing that angered her the most was her Father. Hearing the stories of what him and the other death-eaters had done in the past made her feel sick. 

Her heart had made up her mind for her. In September she was to become a new student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 

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