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"Come on Fletcher, we talked about this last week. It's Finite Incan-tar-tum phonetically, like 'Ooh Fletcher is such a TART'" Draco laughed earning a shove from Cassidy. 

"God you are such a dickhead" she rolled her eyes. "I'm bored, we've been studying for three hours and it's a Saturday, can't we do something fun?" she said as she wiggled her eyebrows in an attempt to get Draco to stop being so serious and let lose for once in a while. 

"Actually, there is something" he suggested, earning the widest smile from Cassidy that he had seen in the short time they had known each other. "There's going to be a party in the Slytherin Common Room tonight, I take it you would be interested?" 

"I'd love it" Cassidy smiled, "It'll be nice to see you a bit more relaxed"  

Draco chuckled, "Yeah that too I guess. Anyway, I'd say we can finish up for now, I've got somewhere I need to be" 

Cassidy nodded and said goodbye to him as he left the common room swiftly. Cassidy decided to take a shower and think about what she would wear to the party. After her shower she changed into some sweats and a hoodie and grabbed a book from her dresser. Knowing she had a few hours to kill she placed her reading glasses on her face and got herself comfortable. After only a few minutes she heard a knock at her dorm room door, and before she could get up to open it, the door flew open. In the doorway stood Gemma and Pansy with huge smiles on their faces. 

"Oh hey" Cassidy smiled timidly, she was still slightly apprehensive about the new friendship she had made with these girls as she knew of their reputation. But in person they didn't seem as bad as everyone made them out to be, much like the rest of the group of Slytherins. Harry's words from the day before still rung in her head about her mother, but she tried her hardest to shrug them off. 

"Cassidy come on, we are going into Hogsmede to get an outfit for the party tonight." Gemma cooed as she dragged Cassidy's arm to pull her from the bed. 

"But I've just gotten into my comfy clothes" Cassidy laughed. 

"You still look hot, come on just go like that" Pansy chuckled, which caught Cassidy off guard, she hadn't heard Pansy compliment anyone before. 

"Pretty please" Gemma begged. 

"Fine, come on then" Cassidy rolled her eyes and gave in following the two girls out of the dorm room and towards the common room door. As the three girls walked out of the common room and up the stairs towards the castle entrance, they noticed hushed voices by the hospital wing. A group of students stood outside looking worried. As Cassidy looked closer she noticed three of the people stood there were Hermione, Ron and Harry. 

"What do you think has happened?" Cassidy asked the girls as they walked by the group, earning stares from the other students. 

"Oh some Gryffindor was hexed" Pansy shrugged, as if it were no big deal. 

"Shit, what do you mean? Like cursed?" Cassidy said, completely shocked. 

"Yeah some girl called Katie Bell, she probably deserved it. She's alive so I don't really know what the big deal is" Pansy continued. 

As Cassidy walked by, she saw Hermione turn to Harry and whisper to him, he tried to avoid looking at her but it failed. 

"I hope you snakes are happy" he spat. 

"Fuck off Potter" Pansy hissed as she linked her arm with Cassidy and pulled her away, leaving Cassidy concerned about Katie but also confused as to who could've done such a thing to another student. 

The three girls had reached the village of Hogsmede and Cassidy was immediately pulled into a shop by Pansy that was dark in colour on the outside. At first Cassidy felt slightly intimidated by the decor of the shop, but she knew she had to keep an open mind. 

The girls broke off in the shop to find themselves an outfit individually, Cassidy caught herself looking at the sale rail trying to find something on the cheaper side knowing that she didn't have much in the way of money at the moment. She caught her eye on a pastel pink dress that seemed cute so she began to take it off of the rail. 

"Woah, absolutely not" Pansy said placing her hand on top of hers and forcing the item back onto the rail. 

"What?" Cassidy asked confused. 

"For a start, pastel pink? No. Are you a Hufflepuff? NO. We need to get you something dark, sexy, something EMERALD. And second, sale? Absolutely not." Pansy said as she began to drag Cassidy toward another section of the shop. 

Cassidy stood awkwardly behind her as she watched Pansy search the rail. "Now this, this is perfection" Pansy gleamed as she turned around, in her hand was an emerald strappy dress made out of a form of velvet material. It was gorgeous, but Cassidy knew from the look of it, that it was way too far out of her price range. 

"Try it on" Pansy said with a smile as she passed it to her. 

"Pansy I-I can't afford something like this." Cassidy whispered the embarrassment evident in her voice. 

"Don't worry about that" Pansy rolled her eyes, "If you like it, I'll put it on my bill"

Cassidy looked at her in shock "No you don't have to do something like that"

Pansy held her hand up to Cassidy's face, "Look, simply go and try it on, if you like it, it's yours. Friendship works like this. Now go!" 

Cassidy nodded toward her with a smile and made her way to the shop's changing rooms. As she walked into the changing space, she pulled the curtain over and began to undress. She held the velvet dress into her hands, it really was a beautiful dress. She slipped the fabric over her head and looked at herself in the mirror admiring the way she looked. She looked different, but she loved it. After approving of the dress, she got changed back into her comfy clothes and placed the outfit back onto the hanger and appeared back onto the shop floor where Gemma and Pansy both were stood waiting with eager eyes to know her thoughts on the dress. Cassidy's smile grew and she nodded, which made both of the girls jump for joy. 

Pansy immediately took the dress from her and took it to the worker to pay for it. "Look you really don't have to do this" Cassidy began 

"Cass, stop, I want to" She rolled her eyes

"I promise I'll pay you back" Cassidy insisted. 

Pansy sighed, "The only way you can pay me back is to look drop dead gorgeous  tonight in your new Slytherin outfit"

Cassidy laughed, "I suppose with your help girls, we could make that work" The three of them laughed and Cassidy was surprised with her new found confidence and excited for tonight's events. 

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