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The rain poured down in London as Cassidy rolled her suitcase towards Kings Cross Station. She was extremely nervous, she had no idea what she should think. But she followed Hermione's instructions to make her way to the station and wait for a friend of Hermione's to meet her there. The last few weeks Cassidy and her mother had been visiting Diagon Alley for her school supplies, joining the school in 5th year meant that she had a lot of catching up to do, but her mother was confident that she would have no problems with catching up.

As she walked into the station she waited by the foyer as instructed by Hermione, and after 15 minutes of waiting, a redheaded girl walks up to her with identical bags in her hands.
"Cassidy?" She asked with a smile on her face, her soft blue eyes widened with happiness.

Cassidy nodded, "Yes, you must be Ginny" she held her hand our politely for Ginny to shake "You can call me Cass"

"Well Cass I'm here to show you the way to the train" she beamed, "follow me"

Cassidy nodded and followed her as she walked towards the platform bridge. "My brothers wish they could've been here, but they've got some stuff to sort at home before they come to the train, the rest of them shouldn't be too long. They will probably arrive just before we depart" Ginny began.

"You have brothers?" Cassidy asked, in an attempt to get to know Ginny more.

"Yes I have six brothers" she laughed, "three of them still attend Hogwarts"

"That must be frustrating, being the only sister" Cassidy laughed.

"It's more annoying than frustrating, they're annoyingly protective" she rolled her eyes as she turned the corner to platform 9 and 10.

Suddenly Ginny stopped, causing Cassidy to copy her. "Now this is going to sound confusing, but trust me" Ginny beamed.

"At this point, I'll believe anything" Cassidy chuckled, from learning about the Wizarding world, she didn't think anything could surprise her anymore.

"Brilliant, so you need to take your bags and run straight towards this wall, between the platform numbers. Simple!" Ginny smiled

Cassidy was apprehensive, surely this was insane? But remembering her words from a moment ago, she did not question, but just nodded. She walked central to the wall, held on to her bags tight before looking at Ginny for a final nod of approval. She then ran straight to the wall, with her eyes shut. After a few seconds, Cassidy opened her eyes and in front of her she saw another train platform, at which was a magnificent steam which was labelled "Hogwarts Express".

She sighed a sigh of relief as she realised she was here, and had not failed. She turned back towards the wall as she saw Ginny come out of the wall herself with a smile.

"That was fantastic! You're very brave, you MUST be a Gryffindor" she stated. Ginny then grabbed Cassidy by the hand and brought her towards the train door. Cassidy stepped onto the train, anxious to start her new journey in life. She walked down the carriages in search of a clear one to sit in, she found one toward the middle of the train and opened the door with Ginny behind her.

"So just put your stuff in the compartments and take a seat, I'll be back soon, I've just got to see to the others and make sure they're here" Ginny said politely. Cassidy nodded as Ginny waved goodbye and shut the compartment door behind her.
Cassidy placed her bags in the slots above her head and sat down with a sigh. She took in her surroundings and couldn't believe how things had turned out. The thought of the next year away from home scared her, but she was excited to learn the ways of magic and learn what her mother had learned. 

As her thoughts ran away with her, she was disturbed by the sound of the compartment door opening and closing. She immediately thought it was Ginny returning with the rest of her family and friends, but was surprised to see a single figure stood in the doorway with their back to her.

As they turned around, Cassidy's eyes locked with theirs. A blonde haired boy, the same age as Cassidy stood by the door, he wore an all black suit and Blazer with a silver ring on one of his fingers. He had the sharpest blue and grey eyes which pierced through Cassidy's and gave her chills. Her breathing hitched, words failing to fall from her mouth. She felt her face turning bright red from embarrassment, she expected to be made a fool out of. Yet the boy said nothing, he just looked her up and down, with a confused look on his face. After a few minutes, the boy turned on his heels, opened the compartment door and left, without saying a single word.


As Draco left the compartment, he felt his chest pulsing. He had never seen this girl before, he was sure of it. He second guessed himself, thinking maybe she was just a nobody he had ignored for the past four years, but after searching his brain, he knew that she hadn't been here before. He would've noticed a girl with such dark flowing hair and skin as pale and glistening as hers. Immediately he began to shake her from his mind. Now is not the time. He thought to himself. As he walked from the carriage, he patted down his suit and proceeded to find an empty compartment to sit in and think. He sat down in an empty space and began to think about this school year, and how much he was not looking forward to it. Things had started to become a handful at home, and the pressure on him was increasing from his father. All he wanted to do was have a moment of peace before the storm hit. But as he began to sink into that peace, his thoughts were disturbed by Blaise and Pansy sitting across from him.

"Hey man, how's it going" Blaise said, holding out his hand for Draco to shake it. But Draco just stared at it. As Blaise and Pansy began to speak to each other, Draco zoned out, not wanting to entertain himself with the idea of conversation at this moment. But his thoughts lingered on the mystery girl, from the empty compartment.

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