twenty four.

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Cassidy pulled her trunk out of the cart that her and her mother had arrived to Hogwarts in and placed it beside her as she watched her mother get out of the cart to bid her farewell.

"I promise you I will see you soon" Laura said with a smile as she brought Cassidy in for a hug.

"Are you sure the others are okay?" Cassidy said with a worrying tone to her voice.

"I'm sure they can understand why would would want to keep your distance. Do not worry so much as to what others think about you Cass, you are your own person, you can make your own decisions and follow your own path. You are a Slytherin after all" Laura laughed softly as a way to make Cassidy more relaxed.

Cassidy hugged her mother and said goodbye as she grabbed her trunk and made her way back to the castle. Not many students had decided to stay at Hogwarts during the Christmas break which meant that the grounds seemed empty. It was nicer, more peaceful somehow, and Cassidy enjoyed the sounds of the birds tweeting as she walked through the snow covered pathways to the entrance to the castle.

She pulled her trunk through the empty halls of the castle, seeing a student every so often that would smile and nod in her direction. As she made her way to the Slytherin common room, she noticed just how eerily quiet it was, she knew that most of her Slytherin classmates had gone home for the holidays, but she didn't know just how strange it would be hearing no voices as she entered the door. She pulled in her trunk and made her way straight to the stairs for her dorm room. Although she struggled as she pulled her trunk up the spiral stairs, she finally made it with a sigh and began to walk towards her dorm room. When she got there, she noticed that the door was already opened slightly. Knowing that the door had been locked before her and her roommates had left the the holidays, Cassidy set her trunk down by the door quietly and took our her wand from her pocket. She held it out in front of her as she slowly reached for the door with her free hand and pushed it open.

"Shit Cass are you going to hex me or something?" A male voice said as she walked through the door. Cassidy lowered her wand revealing Draco standing in her dorm, wearing a black suit, his hands held up in front of him.

"Draco" she breathed with a smile, "you really need to stop scaring me"

Draco chuckled with a smile lowering his hands, "It's alright darling, come here" he held his arms out as Cassidy walked towards him. He embraced her in a tight hug that send butterflies through her stomach. His hand found her face, and a single finger tilted her head upwards as he lent down to kiss her softly. After a few minutes, the pair broke away with a smile playing on both of their lips

"I've missed you" Draco said as he pulled her in closer to him.

"I missed you too" She smiled, "Wait. what are you even doing here, I thought you were staying with your family all break"

"Well" Draco started with a smile, "When I got your letter, I couldn't resist coming to spend the rest of the holidays with you, plus someone has to help you with the rest of the homework" Though it wasn't exactly a lie, Draco knew of a few more reasons for his return to Hogwarts during the break. He knew he had to continue to work on the cabinet, as the Dark Lord was beginning to get impatient with him and David. Plus, he had to spend more time with Cassidy and potentially find a way for her to meet her father, as he had promised David.

Cassidy looked up at him with wide eyes, "You came back for me?"

"Of course I did" Draco smiled, "I was thinking maybe I could take you on a date, like a proper date"

Cassidy's grin widened, "that would be perfect, especially after the couple of days I've had"

"Oh no darling, what happened?" Draco frowned as he tucked her hair behind her ears.

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